Zymergen vs ginkgo Synthetic biology stocks, solarpunk dreams. 9179 股 Ginkgo 股票,這群股東相當於擁有 Ginkgo 公司 5. 对于Ginkgo而言,有望通过这笔交易,融合Zymergen的自动化和软件专业知识,以及各种不同生物工厂方法的知识,大大提升Ginkgo的平台。 而本次收购对于Zymergen来说,该公司会评估其先进材料和药物发现战略选择的计划,并推进成本控制措施,包括裁员和项目优化等。 ⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2022-07-27 10:40,17Talk易企说:2022 年 7 月 25 日,领先的细胞编程平台Ginkgo Bioworks 和生物技术公司 Zymergen宣布达成最终收购协议,Ginkgo Bioworks 将以 3 亿美元的市值通过全股份交易收购 Zymergen。 本次收购交易预计将于 2023 年第一季度完成。 Neither Zymergen nor Ginkgo assumes any duty to update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, as of any future date. Start Free Trial . Ginkgo plans to integrate Zymergen's core automation and software technologies for scaling strain engineering capacity into its Foundry, Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. Ginkgo Bioworks has acquired 14 companies, including 13 in the last 5 years. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, and Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced that Ginkgo has completed its previously announced acquisition of Zymergen. 2021年,Ginkgo以SPAC(借壳上市)方式登陆纽交所,当时市值高达150亿美元。 不差钱的Ginkgo,选择用“买买买”的方式来获得AI技术加持。 2022年10月,Ginkgo Bioworks 宣布收购老对手Zymergen就此敲定了合成生物学领域迄今为止最重磅的一笔收购交易。 美东时间 7 月 25 日, 与 宣布达成最终收购协议,Ginkgo Bioworks 将以 3 亿美元的市值通过全股份交易收购 Zymergen。此次交易为 Ginkgo 迄今为止规模最大的收购。 Ginkgo 表示,预计在 2023 年第一季度完成交易后,Zymergen 股东将拥有合并后公司 5. The acquisition is set to provide Zymergen with $300 million in an all-stock Zymergen is a biotechnology company that specializes in machine learning, big data, and artificial intelligence. Ginkgo Bioworks Ginkgo Bioworks is a developer of biological engineering products and custom microbes across multiple markets. The Company’s most targeted sectors include life science (100%). 25% 的股份。 毕业之前我就收到好几家公司的面试邀约,包括合成生物学明星初创公司 Ginkgo 和 Zymergen,也都拿到了他们的高级软件工程师的 Offer,最终我选择去了 Ginkgo。未来百科:Ginkgo 和 Zymergen 这两家都是合成生物学领域里鼎鼎 ⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2022-07-26 10:13,医药魔方Invest:根据双方董事会一致通过的协议条款,Zymergen股东固定股权交换比率为每股 Zymergen对应0. Part of its research was into the production of alternatives to petroleum products. Although both Qualcomm and Intel make chips, each . Ginkgo Bioworks has acquired in 6 different US states, and 4 countries. Announced Date Jul 25, 2022; BOSTON and EMERYVILLE, Calif. 美國時間25日,去年剛宣布借殼上市(SPAC)的合成生物學公司GinkgoBioworks,傳出正以約3億美元收購另一家合成生物學公司Zymergen。該交易為Ginkgo至今最大的一筆收購案,該公司將整合Zymergen在數據科學與AI機器學習上的能力,來支持公司的開發。這項交易已經獲得兩家公司董事會的一致同意,並預 E89: GDP growth negative in Q2, $SHOP layoffs, Alzheimer's fraud, Ginkgo acquires Zymergen & more - All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Transcript and Latterly Zymergen created a drug discovery business to focus initially on precision medicines for high-value oncology targets. This acquisition, finalized on October 19, 2022, was based on a merger agreement that provided Zymergen shareholders with 0. 近日,Ginkgo Bioworks(DNA. All three met while working at Amyris, Inc. Pricing; Log In; Pro - Try 1 Week Free; Home > Companies > Who owns Zymergen? Zymergen is owned by Ginkgo Bioworks. Log In. Analyst Briefing Submitted. This is absurd. On October 19, 2022, Ginkgo and Zymergen completed the previously announced acquisition contemplated by that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of July 24, 2022 (the Ginkgo Bioworks acquired biotechnology firm Zymergen, the synthetic biology companies announced Monday morning, marking the final act in Zymergen’s dramatic and brisk fall from grace. Zymergen was acquired by Ginkgo Bioworks for $300M on Jul 25, 2022. 公司于2013年成立,2021年4月在美国纳斯达克上市(ZY),4个月后核心产品产业化失败导致危机,2022年10月被Ginkgo Bioworks收购。 18个月,从上市到被收购,Zymergen为什么会功败垂成? 美东时间 7 月 25 日, Ginkgo Bioworks 与 Zymergen 宣布达成最终收购协议, Ginkgo Bioworks 将以 3 亿美元的市值通过全股份交易收购 Zymergen。 此次交易为 Ginkgo 迄今为止规模最大的收购 。 Ginkgo 表示, 预计在 2023 年第一季度完成交易 后,Zymergen 股东将拥有合并后公司 5. The baseline is the same - Ginkgo needs time to prove successful and that is the inherent 对于Ginkgo而言,有望通过这笔交易,融合Zymergen的自动化和软件专业知识,以及各种不同生物工厂方法的知识,大大提升Ginkgo的平台。 而本次收购对于Zymergen来说,该公司会评估其先进材料和药物发现战略选择的计划,并推进成本控制措施,包括裁员和项目优化等。 Ginkgo says it wants Zymergen’s staff, software, biological assets, data science tools, and especially its automated laboratory systems. by investment banker Joshua Hoffman, biophysicist Zach Serber, and biochemist Jed Dean. RedLeaf Biologics. 9179 Ginkgo shares for each Zymergen share, representing 5. Zymergen | 32,220 followers on LinkedIn. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") a registration statement on Form S-4 that will include a proxy statement of Zymergen and that also constitutes a prospectus of Ginkgo. This is Ginkgo Bioworks’ largest (disclosed) transaction. Pleasure working with (and congrats to) Jay Flatley, Mina Kim, Celeste FerberJay Flatley, Mina Kim, Celeste Ferber 近日, Ginkgo Bioworks(DNA. Zymergen really has some top level exec talent with a lot of experience in the industry. US)之间的收购交易,此次收购将通过整合Zymergen强大的自动化和软件能力以及在多种生物工程方法方面的丰富经验,显着增强Ginkgo Bioworks的Foundry(铸造厂)研发平 It was great to re-connect with Matt Blois at C&EN News and share my thoughts on this acquisition. 6 million since underwriters exercised in full their option to buy additional shares. Zymergen is now a part of Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. For example, 在 Ginkgo 提交另一份文件后,将为 Zymergen 更广泛的投资者群提供所有必要的信息,并允许剩余的 60% 在未来几个月内对合并进行投票。 Ginkgo 表示,这笔交易的讨论始于两个月前 Gi Neither Zymergen nor Ginkgo assumes any duty to update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, as of any future date. Ginkgo takes a different approach to synthetic biology compared to Amyris or Zymergen because they make different ingredients for different companies. So it’s difficult to say with any certainty what Ginkgo is really worth. 2021年,Zymergen在 纳斯达克 上市,其市值最高曾接近50亿美元。 但好景不长,受核心产品受挫、创始人辞职等影响,最终被Ginkgo以3亿美元的价格收入囊中。 2022年6月,Ginkgo Bioworks又收购 Ginkgo agreed to purchase Zymergen in an all-stock transaction through which Zymergen stockholders will receive 0. in This week, we take a break from stories of raising capital, mergers, and FDA approvals to look at the dark side of our industry. 25% pro forma ownership of Ginkgo following the transaction. Talk With Sales. GinkgoClass A common stock will continue to trade on NYSE under the ticker symbol DNA. 9179 shares of Ginkgo Class A common stock for each share they held. and to break new deal ground in the first-ever sale of a publicly-listed public benefit corporation. Zymergen is now a part of Ginkgo Bioworks! 美国东部时间 10 月 19 日, Ginkgo Bioworks 宣布已经完成了对 Zymergen 的收购。这意味着原本预计将在明年第一季度完成的、堪称合成生物学领域最为重磅的收购交易提前落定。 图|Ginkgo Bioworks 和 Zymergen Statements in this communication regarding Zymergen, Ginkgo and the combined company that are forward-looking, including projections as to the anticipated benefits of the proposed transaction, the impact of the proposed transaction on Zymergen’s and Ginkgo’s businesses and future financial and operating results, the amount and timing of BOSTON and EMERYVILLE, Calif. Zymergen shares will no longer be traded on Nasdaq. Articles People Learning Jobs Games Join now Sign in Zymergen Biotechnology Research Emeryville, California 31,639 followers Follow View all 73 employees Report this company 近日,Ginkgo Bioworks(DNA. Ginkgo Bioworks. Lyft competition. There are three key acquisitions: Lodo, EnVolve, and Radiant Genomics. 9179 股 Ginkgo A 类普通股,收购完成后 Zymergen 股票将不再在纳斯达克交易,Ginkgo A 类普通股将继续在纽约证券交易所交易,而 Zymergen 股东将拥有合并后公司 5. 25% 的股份。 Zymergen 登陆纳斯达克约 4 个月后,合成生物领域超级 独角兽公司 Ginkgo Bioworks,Inc. New. Zymergen was focused on bringing products to market yet had a "more robust" general solution? 无独有偶,就在不到1年前的2022年末,三巨头中的另一家明星企业Ginkgo Bioworks,正式从美国纳斯达克交易所摘牌,成为同行Zymergen的子公司。至此,曾红极一时的全球合成生物学三巨头,似乎只剩下Zymergen还在商业世界 Statements in this communication regarding Zymergen, Ginkgo and the combined company that are forward-looking, including projections as to the anticipated benefits of the proposed transaction, the impact of the proposed transaction on Zymergen's and Ginkgo's businesses and future financial and operating results, the amount and timing of Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) — the leading horizontal platform for cell programming — and the biotechnology company Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Ginkgo will acquire Zymergen in an all-stock transaction that values Zymergen at an approximately $300 million market capitalization. 94,543 followers 2y Today, we’re pleased to announce our completed acquisition of 542 subscribers in the SynBioBets community. RedLeaf Biologics is a biotechnology company focused on the development of botanical extracts for various industries. Q&A. Advanced Search. It has also divested 1 asset. 59:50 Alzheimer’s fraud, Ginkgo acquires Zymergen for $300M 1:17:36 Democrats backing MAGA candidates in primaries vs. ! Learn more: Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. S. It will be very interesting to see how ZY and Ginkgo valuations compare as they are essentially at the same point in terms of Ginkgo Bioworks acquires Zymergen in a strategic move to enhance synthetic biology platforms, aiming for advanced automation and growth in diverse industries. Direct Competition: Ginkgo Bioworks and Amyris agreed not to collaborate with Zymergen, potentially stifling the competitor's rise. This deal was Zymergen’s net proceeds from the $575 million IPO, which closed on Monday, are estimated to be $529. I see Ginkgo buying what they see as desirable for potentially rock bottom prices. 25% 的股權。 該協議已得到兩家公司董事會的一致批准,預計將於 2023 年初完成,而這也是 Ginkgo 迄 Matt Ocko when asked about his dual stake in both Zymergen and Ginkgo explained, “This is more of a Qualcomm vs. We believe it is Ginkgo’s portfolio-based business models -- Ginkgo plans to integrate Zymergen's core automation and software into its foundry for designing living cells, including Zymergen's Zymergen was founded in 2013. (「Zymergen」) とその一部の子会社は、連邦法第 11 章に基づく救済を求める自主請願を提出しました。デラウェア州連邦破産裁判所の州破産法。 Zymergen vs. comStory ReferencesZymergen + GinkgoCassavaTeva About the ShowLife Science Today is your Honored to represent Zymergen in its sale to Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. 25% pro forma ownership Cell engineering company Ginkgo Bioworks has acquired the troubled synthetic biology specialist Zymergen for a market capitalisation of $300 million. (「Ginkgo」) の完全子会社である Zymergen Inc. Intel deal rather than an Uber vs. I can't see how this could be seen as a bad move, but open to hearing the other side as well. Old. The company uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to study and modify microbes which ferment carbon to produce chemicals used in manufacturing consumer goods and pharmaceuticals. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, and Zymergen Yeah, I think Ginkgo and Zymergen's models both point to them trying to get more data to get better at scaling. The acquisition is expected to significantly enhance Ginkgo’s platform by Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) — the leading horizontal platform for cell programming — and the biotechnology company Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced they have entered into a definitive 米Ginkgo Bioworks社と米Zymergen社は2022年7月25日、Ginkgo社がZymergen社の全ての株式を時価総額3億ドル(約410億円)として、株式交換により取得する買収契約に合意したと発表した。取引は2023年第1 Zymergen has acquired in 3 different US states. This is not surprising at all- in fact, I was talking to Acquisition is expected to accelerate the development of Ginkgo's innovative horizontal synthetic biology platform Expect integration of Zymergen's 图:Zymergen平台功能示意. Teaching AI to Speak DNA & Making Biology Easier to Engineer (SVP, Ginkgo Bioworks - NYSE:DNA) 1y 核心内容. The all-stock 10月19日,据媒体报道合成生物学平台型公司GinkgoBioworks已经完成了与合成生物学平台以及下游产品开发生产企业Zymergen的收购。本次交易涉及金额近3亿美元。Ginkgo计划在收购后将Zymergen的核心自动化和软件 On July 25, 2022, Ginkgo Bioworks acquired information technology company Zymergen for 300M USD Acquisition Highlights. Zymergen stockholders will receive a fixed exchange ratio of 0. 1、全球合成生物学巨头Ginkgo Bioworks宣布收购Zymergen,两者合并会对行业造成什么样的影响? 2、高收益的背后往往对应着高风险,从实验室 Ginkgo Bioworks has completed its acquisition of Zymergen, enhancing its cell programming platform with Zymergen's automation and software capabilities. Synthetic biology company Ginkgo Bioworks is building out its coast-to-coast reach after its latest acquisition. The Company’s most targeted sectors include life science (65%) and information technology (15%). As of the end of November 2022, Ginkgo Bioworks has individually commercialized only 近日, Ginkgo Bioworks(DNA. Resources. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a Delaware court. Ginkgo 处于美国顶级制药中心波士顿,相较于Zymergen位于加利福尼亚更具有投资优势,但Ginkgo上市后的核心董事成员仅三位,其中两位是公司创始人,背景仅涵盖生物工程专业和财务方向,而Zymergen上市后董事成员共6名,并聘请非雇员董事成员7名,背景涵盖投资、生物、自动化、法律、数据、财务 Neither Zymergen nor Ginkgo assumes any duty to update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, as of any future date. The company specializes in using genetic engineering to produce bacteria with industrial applications for other biotech companies, saving other companies the cost of reproducing the initial stages of design in synthetic biology. (下称 "Ginkgo")距离上市也越来越近。 不出意外,在本季度,市场即将见证迄今为止最大的 Synthetic biology company Ginkgo Bioworks announced today that it plans to acquire Zymergen in an all-stock transaction valued at $300 million in market capitalisation. more moderate republicans: savvy and cynical or too risky? Follow the besties: 对于Ginkgo而言,有望通过这笔交易,融合Zymergen的自动化和软件专业知识,以及各种不同生物工厂方法的知识,大大提升Ginkgo的平台。 而本次收购对于Zymergen来说,该公司会评估其先进材料和药物发现战略选择的计划,并推进成本控制措施,包括裁员和项目优化等。 据收购协议条款,Zymergen 股东以每股 Zymergen 普通股获得 0. Photo: Ginkgo Bioworks / Instagram . This company Lodo had a crucial codebase for cancer research and is now a part of Ginkgo. Zymergen Business Overview . is an American biotech company founded in 2008 by five scientists from MIT, [3] headed by Jason Kelly. 9179股 Ginkgo In your example: Ginkgo just has a website, Ginkgo's customers are learning how to mass produce books, and nothing has reached the consumer yet. What the hell has ginkgo done in 16 years then? Their tech they focus solely on is worse than a company who's foundry tech isn't their main focus, was founded 5 years later and had less funding. While both high-growth biotech companies have deep intellectual properties, Ginkgo certainly has a leg up against Zymergen. Add a Comment. US)之间的收购交易,此次收购将通过整合Zymergen强大的自动化和软件能力以及在多种生物工程方法方面的丰富经验,显着增强Ginkgo Bioworks的Foundry(铸造厂)研发平 据了解, 这是 Ginkgo Bioworks 迄今为止最大规模的一笔收购交易。 “今天,我们完成对 Zymergen 的收购,这标志着我们在未来长期增长的目标中已经迈出了非常重要一步。 与此同时,我们也非常高兴 Zymergen 团队加入到 Ginkgo Bioworks ,并把他们的能力整合到我们的合成生物学平台中,这次收购将为 Zymergen Ginkgo 处于美国顶级制药中心波士顿,相较于Zymergen位于加利福尼亚更具有投资优势,但Ginkgo上市后的核心董事成员仅三位,其中两位是公司创始人,背景仅涵盖生物工程专业和财务方向,而Zymergen上市后董事成员共6名,并聘请非雇员董事成员7名,背景涵盖投资、生物、自动化、法律、数据、财务 Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE:DNA) shares ticked lower on Tuesday after the cell platform company announced its subsidiary Zymergen Inc. View more in-depth data on: Competitors; Products; Customer References and more; Compare Zymergen and Ginkgo Bioworks. This is Ginkgo Bioworks’ 1st transaction in the Information Technology sector. 2023 年 10 月 3 日、Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. The company claimed that it would be Ginkgo plans to integrate Zymergen’s core automation and software technologies for scaling strain engineering capacity into its Foundry, including Zymergen’s machine learning Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, and Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced that Ginkgo has completed its BOSTON and EMERYVILLE, Calif. This is Ginkgo Bioworks’ 5th transaction in the United States. What happens when companies fail, people lie, and good drugs make bad lives? Find out more athttps://LifeScienceTodayPodcast. 9179股Ginkgo股票,相当于交易后Zymergen股东拥有Ginkgo5. , Oct. Ginkgo, which was valued at $15 I have started to systematically look at what Zymergen acquired before Ginkgo acquired it. US)之间的收购交易, 此次收购将通过整合Zymergen强大的自动化 Photo: Ginkgo Bioworks / Instagram. Pricing. US)宣布已经完成了原定于2 023 年第一季度完成的与Zymergen(ZY. Both Zymergen and Ginkgo engineer microbes to act as tiny chemical plants, but they pursue Ginkgo to Acquire Zymergen Controversial. But in today’s bull market, being a skeptic doesn’t pay. I think Amyris' model retains the most value. US)之间的收购交易 , 此次收购将通过整合Zymergen强大的自动化和软件能力以及在多种生物工程方法方面的丰富经验,显着增强Ginkgo Bioworks的Foundry(铸造厂)研 成立于 2013 年的 Zymergen 正处于合成生物学产业化第二波浪潮中,目前已经发展成为该领域的独角兽公司 。 该公司提交的文件还显示,Zymergen 尚未从 Interesting tidbit on Zymergen history -- I didn't realize that they started out as a service company (more like Ginkgo, I suppose) and then switched to a product company (like Amyris) for which they needed more private, and then public, investment. Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) — the leading horizontal platform for cell programming — and the biotechnology company Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Ginkgo will acquire Zymergen in an all-stock transaction that values Zymergen at an approximately $300 million market capitalization. Alfaromeodna • Zymergen has raised $500M in their IPO a year ago, and a bunch before that -- to sell for $300M now means they're basically getting sold for the value of their equipment and cash in the bank. The synthetic biology firm Ginkgo Bioworks is acquiring its competitor Zymergen in a deal worth about $300 million. Ginkgo hinted that it may sell this part of the business, however. US)宣布已经完成了原定于2023年第一季度完成的与Zymergen(ZY. 9179 shares of Ginkgo Class A common stock. . US)之间的收购交易,此次收购将通过整合Zymergen强大的自动化和软件能力以及在多种生物工程方法方面的丰富经验,显着增强Ginkgo Bioworks的Foundry(铸造厂)研发平 Ginkgo Bioworks acquires Zymergen on 2022-07-25 for $300000000. After all, a single Bitcoin now costs $48,500 and Tesla Zymergen's brand new plan to shift from a synthetic biology specialist to a drug discovery player has come to an early end, with the sale of the company to rival Ginkgo Bioworks. 25%的备考所有权。 公告信息显示,Ginkgo计划将Zymergen 用于扩展应变工程能力的核心自动化和软件技术整合到 Ginkgo 处于美国顶级制药中心波士顿,相较于Zymergen位于加利福尼亚更具有投资优势,但Ginkgo上市后的核心董事成员仅三位,其中两位是公司创始人,背景仅涵盖生物工程专业和财务方向,而Zymergen上市后董事成员共6名,并聘请非雇员董事成员7名,背景涵盖投资、生物、自动化、法律、数据、财务 ⌈ByDrug医药新闻摘要⌋ 2022-07-26 18:30,靶点社:继收购Bitome的部分资产后,细胞编程平台公司Ginkgo Bioworks又将目光瞄了Zymergen,一家以基因组学和机器学习应用于研究和设计生产转基因生物的化学品的生物技术公司。 2022年7月25日消息,Ginkgo准备以约 3 亿美元价格收购Zymergen,获得其数据科学和机器 Under the terms of the merger agreement entered into on July 24, 2022, Zymergen stockholders received, for each share of Zymergen common stock, 0. It was acquired on July 25, 2022. It will now look for “strategic alternatives” for the new drug discovery Ginkgo Bioworks没退市,Zymergen退了! 引用: 2024-05-05 13:11五一放假,刚好空闲研究了《合成生物学》,作为两会国九条新质生产力中首次提出来的生物制造顶层设计。 越研究越觉得逻辑很强势,可以说就是当年新能源汽车的翻版造型。 根據交易條款,Zymergen 的股東每持有一股 Zymergen 的股票,將獲得 0. https://lnkd. The Zymergen acquisition has come with many gifts that are not immediately obvious. The 14-year-old, Boston-based company announced on Monday it is acquiring Zymergen is now a part of Ginkgo Bioworks! Skip to main content LinkedIn. The 14-year-old, Boston-based company announced on Monday it is acquiring Zymergen, a biotech startup based in Emeryville, California. Ginkgo Bioworks’ largest acquisition to date was in 2022, when it acquired Zymergen for $300M. , July 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) — the leading horizontal platform for cell programming — and the biotechnology company Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) announced they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Ginkgo will acquire Zymergen in an all-stock transaction that values Zymergen at an 7月25日,波士顿和加利福尼亚州,领先的细胞编程平台 Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) 和生物技术公司 Zymergen (Nasdaq: ZY) 宣布已达成一项根据最终合并协议, Ginkgo将以全股票交易方式收购Zymergen,Zymergen 的市值约为3亿美元 。 根据双方董事会一致通过的协议条款,Zymergen股东将获得每股Zymergen股份0. 25% 的股份。 Zymergen raised $500 million when it went public in April, Ginkgo went public via SPAC in September in a $17 billion deal that valued the company at well over 100 times 12-month trailing Zymergen has filed proposed terms for its $401 million IPO. In connection with the proposed transaction between Zymergen and Ginkgo, Ginkgo intends to file with the U.
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