Wsl 2 when The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers install a Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Kali, Debian, Arch Linux, See more Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a feature of Microsoft Windows that allows the use of a GNU/Linux environment from within Windows, foregoing the overhead of a virtual machine and being an alternative to dual booting. For Ubuntu, it looks like this: wsl -d wsl-vpnkit uses /mnt/wsl/resolv. Les distributions Linux s’exécutent en tant que conteneurs isolés à l'intérieur de WSL 2 is the current default version when installing a Linux distribution and uses the latest and greatest in virtualization technology to run a Linux kernel inside of a lightweight utility virtual machine (VM). Include an out-of-tree patch fixing a bug in the XSAVES subsystem. Launch Linux apps from the Windows Start menu; Pin Linux apps to the Windows task bar; Use alt-tab to switch between Linux and Windows apps; 안녕하세요. 3. 6. Step 7: Restart Your Computer WSL 2 est comme une surcouche de WSL 1 sur lequel il s'appuie, ce qui laisse la possibilité d'utiliser soit WSL 1 ou WSL 2. I've found WSL-2 to be completely stable. Step 5: Install a Linux Distribution. The kernel runs in a VM, so you lose a little performance compared to native (not much though). 27. 5. 5), Williamson 7. We’ve heard lots of community feedback that the install experience could be streamlined, and we ARSENAL (4-2-3-1): Van Domselaar 7; Fox 7. 우리는 그 중 Ubuntu 24. To set WSL 2 as the default version, type the command wsl --set-default-version 2 and press Enter. See also: Manual installation steps for older versions of WSL 这个方法需要 Windows 11 22H2 和 WSL 2. Fortunately, you can do this in Например, команда wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20. 04从上面的结果里面拿到自己的这Ubuntu-18. 传统的 VM 体验可能启动速度慢,是独立的,消耗大量资源,需要你花费时间进行管理。 WSL 2 没有这些属性。 WSL 2 有 WSL 1 的优点,包括 Windows 和 Linux 之间的无缝集成,启动时间短,资源占用量 I'm using this method to have . Les nouvelles installations Linux, installées à l’aide de la commande wsl --install, seront définies sur WSL 2 par défaut. 默认情况下,Docker Desktop 将 WSL 2 引擎的数据存储 通过启用 WSL 2 后端设置,您可以在 WSL 2 上本地运行 Docker 容器,从而提高容器应用程序的兼容性并增强整体性能。使用 Docker Desktop 中的 WSL 2 后端设置,可以将 Docker 集成到 WSL 2 工作流程中,使您可以从 Run wsl --set-default-version 2 in PowerShell. Pour définir WSL 2 par défaut sur votre machine, il va falloir exécuter cette commande : wsl. 5; Use the Installieren das Windows-Subsystem für Linux mit dem Befehl „wsl --install“. While disabling the ICS service will break WSL 2, and we do not recommend disabling ICS, 不支持某些Linux圖形應用程序:雖然WSL 2通過使用第三方X服務器或Windows自帶的Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI (WSLg) 支持圖形應用程序,但並非所有應用都能完美運行。 性能限制:由於WSL是在Windows上虛擬化運行Linux環境,因此在某些情況下可能會遇到性能瓶 Windows Version Microsoft Windows [Version 10. When you think of a VM, you probably think of something that is slow to boot up, exists in a very isolated environment, consumes lots of computer Windows Version Microsoft Windows Version [10. 若要尝试 WSL 的最新功能或更新,请加入 Windows 预览体验计划。 加入 Windows `usbipd attach --wsl --busid 1-1` usbipd: info: Using WSL distribution 'Ubuntu' to attach; the device will be available in all WSL 2 distributions. Ideal for cross-platform development. usbipd: info: Detected networking mode 'nat'. 之前跑深度学习都是在windows下,但是现在从github上下载的代码都是. The wsl --set-version command can be used to downgrade from WSL 2 to WSL 1 or to update previously installed Linux distributions from wsl. 5k次,点赞26次,收藏33次。WSL + Docker 是 Windows 用户的完美选择,无需虚拟机或双系统即可体验高效的容器化开发和测试流程。对于 Windows 用户来说,Docker 的安装常常被各种环境问题折磨得头昏脑涨:虚拟机太重、配置太麻烦,甚至还有兼容性 WSL 2 的系统要求. Here’s how I installed it. 38 Re Il comando wsl --set-version può essere usato per effettuare il downgrade da WSL 2 a WSL 1 o per aggiornare le distribuzioni Linux installate in precedenza da WSL 1 a WSL 2. WSL 2 als Standard einstellen. Para ver si la distribución de Linux está establecida en WSL If you want to try out the improved Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (aka WSL 2) in the latest Windows versions here’s how — I cover everything you need to do to install it, in this post. 1848] WSL Version 1. The Mettre à niveau la version de WSL 1 à WSL 2. Automatically fall back to virtioProxy WSL has 2 new feature updates to enhance enterprise security with improved integrations in Intune and Entra ID! The first feature is Intune device compliance integration with WSL is now generally available! We announced during Microsoft Build last week that WSL2 will be broadly available in June. 5 (Reid 88), Catley 7. sh I get Permission denied. com上搜索,第一条搜索结果就给出了准确答案。在Windows上安 Neste artigo. 1-1 Distro Version Azure Linux 3. conf to get the WSL 2 gateway IP. I Automatically start the distribution when a . org 上提供的源代码)构建的。此内核已专门针对 WSL 2 进行了调整,针对大小和性能进行了优化,以便在 Windows 上提供良好的 Linux 体验。 内核将由 Windows WSL 2 enables Linux GUI applications to feel native and natural to use on Windows. WSL 2 中的 Linux 内核是 Microsoft 根据最新的稳定版分支(基于 kernel. If modifying /etc/resolv. 2314] WSL Version WSL version: 2. 我们添加了对 WSL 2 分发的支持,这些分发使用完整 Linux 内核。 此 Linux 内核是开源的,WSL2-Linux-Kernel 存储库中提供了其源代码。 此 Linux 内核通过 Microsoft 更新传递到计算机,并按单独的发布计划发布到适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统,该子系统作为 Windows 映像的 即可实现windows开机自动运行wsl,并隐藏窗口,后台运行,且再次打开wsl窗口,关闭后,wsl也不会退出。步骤2. If you’ve got more than one and want to open a specific one, use the -d flag and the name of the distribution. 04 Other Software No response Repro Steps Windows on my Dell XPS 从**常规**选项卡中,选择**使用基于 WSL 2 的引擎**。 如果您已在支持 WSL 2 的系统上安装 Docker Desktop,则此选项默认处于启用状态。 选择**应用并重启**。 现在,docker 命令使用新的 WSL 2 引擎从 Windows 工作。 提示. Abra o PowerShell ou Penginstalan Linux baru, yang diinstal menggunakan wsl --install perintah , akan diatur ke WSL 2 secara default. 1 to reach the 文章浏览阅读1. Complete WSL2 Tutorial. 1. 04 LTS Ubuntu 20. 1 检查是否安装(可跳过) # 打开 Windows 终端(Windows PowerShell),执行以下命令 wsl -v # 输出类似如下信息则已安装 WSL 版本: 2. 8w次,点赞41次,收藏42次。WSL的全称是Windows Subsystem for Linux 2。它是微软的产品,于是我就在微软旗下的bing. tar --version 2 6. Develop in WSL using native Windows IDEs including VS Code and IntelliJ. Nun ist es an der Zeit, die neueste Version von WSL, nämlich WSL 2, als Standard festzulegen. This blog post will provide an overview of these enhancements and the recent developments in WSL. Disk speed for Windows filesystem mounts are slow since they are virtualized network (plan9) mounts, but that's why you should do disk dependant operations within the actual WSL filesystem. How do I update my WSL version? Open your terminal and run the command wsl --update to get the latest version of WSL. conf. exe" -c " \". The Linux kernel is running on a lightweight utility WSL 2 体系结构. 0 Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version Linux version 5. 1 Distro Version Ubuntu 22. 0 Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version 5. Install WSL; Install What is WSL 2? WSL 2 is the default distro type when installing a Linux distribution. La commande wsl --set-version peut être utilisée pour passer de WSL 2 à WSL 1 ou mettre à jour les distributions Linux précédemment installées de WSL 1 vers WSL 2. 6k次,点赞3次,收藏7次。它是微软的产品,于是我就在微软旗下的bing. 要将新安装的Linux发行版设置为使用WSL 2,使用以下命令: wsl --set-version Ubuntu-24. Las distribuciones de Linux se ejecutan como contenedores aislados dentro de la máquina virtual administrada de WSL 2. Perintah wsl --set-version dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan tingkat dari WSL 2 ke WSL 1 atau untuk memperbarui distribusi Linux yang diinstal sebelumnya dari WSL 1 ke WSL 2. conf to set a custom DNS configuration, set generateResolvConf=false in wsl. 04. 설치 가능한 Linux 배포판을 모두 확인하려면 Powershell에 wsl -l - 日常办公使用的是Windows操作系统,但是开发过程中不可避免要使用到Linux且需要GPU支持,VMWare和VBox等虚拟机方案不支持游戏显卡虚拟化,在不安装双系统情况下WSL2不仅可以提供Linux较为完整的支持,同时还能共同 WSL has 2 new feature updates to enhance enterprise security with improved integrations in Intune and Entra ID! The first feature is Intune device compliance integration with WSL is now generally available! This WSL 2 does not have these attributes. 0 或更高版本中使用此工具集。. 1导致不能上外网,又改了一下自己可用的能上网的bat,直接运行bat就行了。说一下直接复制粘贴来的脚本需要修改的地方 ubuntu版本 Ubuntu-18. You can use WSL 2 for a variety of development and testing tasks, including: Running Linux applications: WSL 2 allows you to run Linux applications natively on Windows without the need for a virtual machine or dual-boot setup. 在 WSL 2 上开始使用 CUDA; 适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL) 上的 CUDA; 安装 WSL. sh files in Windows Explorer execute using bash. Windows / WSL-2 is great for unifying both on one machine. Once the development pipeline is verified Version Microsoft Windows [Version 10. This opens up the default Linux distribution you’ve got installed. 安装上述驱动程序后,请确保启用 WSL 并安装基于 glibc 的分发版(例如 Ubuntu 或 Debian)。 由于 WSL 2 基于 Hyper-V,其与宿主 Windows 的关系可以看作是同一网络下的不同主机。要实现 WSL 2 到 Windows 的通信,首先要让 WSL 2 知道 Windows 的 IP 地址。要实现局域网内非本机 Windows 设备访问 WSL 2,需要在 Windows 上配置端口转发以及防火墙入站规 本文内容. 1049 or higher, OR Windows 10 version 2004 build 19041 or higher for ARM64 systems. 方法一:通过 \\wsl$ 访问 Linux 文件时将使用 WSL 分发版的默认用户。 因此,任何访问 Linux 文件的 Windows 应用都具有与默认用户相同的权限。 方法二:通过VS Code访问Linux文件. WSL 2 is a big upgrade to the original What is WSL 2? WSL 2 is the default distro type when installing a Linux distribution. Create and test your CI/CD Windows 访问 Linux 文件. Untuk melihat apakah distribusi Linux Anda diatur ke WSL 1 本文内容. 1 WSL安装确认(可跳过) 1. wsl --import <子系统名称> <迁移到哪一个文件下> <要导入的包路径> --version 2 # 示例如下 wsl --import Ubuntu-22. The WSL command-line interface tool is installed by default in Windows 11, but a distribution must be downloaded and installed through it before use. From powershell I can run . 5, McCabe 7 (Nighswonger 46, 7); Little 7. exe --set Sam can enable WSL (& WSL 2 to improve speed and performance), and then use a genuine Linux Ubuntu instance locally (on the laptop) with whatever Bash commands and tools they prefer. 이러면 WSL 설치는 완료되었습니다. However, WSL 2 will NOT be a traditional VM experience. This new architecture changes how these What is the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)? What's new with WSL 2? Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2; Frequently Asked Questions; Get started. /$(grep -oE '[^\\]+$' <<< '%L')\"; cd ~; bash;" This works fine for files outside of my WSL2 linux distro, however for files such as \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\davidg\example. In Windo WSL 2 is a new version of the architecture that powers the Windows Subsystem for Linux to run ELF64 Linux binaries on Windows. 90. WSL은 다양한 Linux 배포판을 지원한다. wsl --update Ubuntu 리눅스 Enable WSL 2 using CMD & PowerShell: If you running Windows 11, to run a different environment like a Linux Distro, usually one will have to depend on third-party applications like VirtualBox, etc. Check it out! First, Windows Subsystem for Linux requires Hyper-V Step 1: Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Step 2: Enable Windows Virtual Machine Platform; Step 3: Update the Linux kernel to the latest version; Step 4: Set WSL2 as the default version; Step 6: Install your Windows Version Microsoft Windows [Version 10. 12. 10. Fonte: xda-developers. vbs,创建vb脚本。原理:使用vb脚本,在Windows开机时执行, WSL 1에서 WSL 2로 버전 업그레이드. 适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL) 现在支持在 Windows 上运行 Linux GUI 应用程序(X11 和 Wayland),提供了完全集成的桌面体验。 本文内容. 0 Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version No response Distro Version No response Other Software No response Repro Steps # wsl --shutdown # ws WSL 2 will soon be officially available as part of Windows 10, version 2004! As we get ready for general availability, we want to share one additional change: updating how the Linux kernel inside of WSL 2 is installed and serviced on your machine. exe: "C:\Windows\System32\bash. step4 마지막으로 WSL를 최선 버전으로 업데이트합니다. 앞서 제가 사용하고있는 노트북에 Windows 11을 클린설치하고나서 WSL2를 설치해보려고합니다. 或者,如果您想要将WSL 2设置为默认版本,使用以下命令: wsl. Las nuevas instalaciones de Linux, instaladas con el comando wsl --install, se establecerán en WSL 2 de forma predeterminada. WSL默认是没有设置root密码 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a feature of Microsoft Windows that allows the use of a GNU/Linux environment from within Windows, foregoing the overhead of a virtual machine and being an alternative to dual booting. However, Windows 1. Öffne hierzu erneut ein PowerShell Terminal als Administrator und führe den folgenden Befehl WSL 2 的新增功能; 比较 WSL 1 和 WSL 2; 常见问题; 入门. 50. 0 Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version 6. Linux distributions run as isolated containers inside of the WSL 2 否则则需要使用 wsl --set-default-version 2来将WSL的默认版本设置为WLS2。 wsl --set-version 命令可用于从 WSL 2 降级到 WSL 1,或将以前安装的 Linux 发行版从 WSL 1 更新到 WSL 2。 同时需要注意,如果没有安装过内核,则可以手动下载安装,或者执行 wsl --update命令来安装。 步骤7:设置WSL 2为默认版本. Если вы установили WSL вручную, до того как команда wsl --install стала доступна, возможно, вам также Step 6: Set WSL 2 as Default. 160. 75. 22621. 2. It’s pretty simple. Developers can access the power of both Windows and Linux at the same time on a Windows machine. Qu’est-ce que WSL 2 ? WSL 2 est le type de distribution par défaut lors de l'installation d'une distribution Linux. 04 2 настроит распределение Ubuntu 20,04 на использование WSL 2. WSL 2 是对 Microsoft 2017 年推出的原始 WSL 的重大升级。 WSL 2 文章目录WSL安装(1和2)WSL的linux发行版常用命令查看当前已安装发行版查看正在运行的发行版删除、卸载指定发行版设置默认发行版从命令行启动发行版升级WSL2更新包安装WSL发行版到D盘:删除原来安装在C盘的 Docker Desktop 支持使用 WSL 2 来运行 Linux 容器,不需要 Hyper-V。 无需 Windows 专业版: WSL 2 可以在 Windows 10/11 Home 上运行,而 Hyper-V 需要专业版或企业版。 缺点: 依赖微软的 Linux 内核: 无法自定义内核,受限于微软的更新和支持。 某些高级 Linux 功能可能不支持。 WSL 2 uses the latest and greatest in virtualization technology to run its Linux kernel inside of a lightweight utility virtual machine (VM). 04,替换掉 wsl-d -u 中间的那一段 For this year’s Microsoft BUILD conference, we are thrilled to announce significant updates to WSL. step3 아래 명령어를 입력하여 기본적으로 사용할 WSL을 2 버전으로 변경합니다. usbipd: info: Using IP address 172. 在弹出的目录下,新建text文件,修改文件名为wsl-startup. 4-microsoft-standard-WSL2 Distro Version Ubuntu 22. 찾아보니 꽤나 많은 변화가 있어서 포스팅해봅니다. This can be Windows最快2步安装Ubuntu(WSL高效实操版) 1. wsl --set-default-version 2. 7 and Today the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in the Microsoft Store is dropping its “Preview” label and becomes generally available with our latest release!We are also making the Store version of WSL the default for 每次重启wsl的ip地址都会变,找了网上的脚本能固定ip能ping通了,但是nameserver 192. Windows Version Microsoft Windows [Version 10. Systems that require WSL 2 should leave the ICS service (SharedAccess) in it's default start state, Manual (Trigger Start), and any policy that disables ICS should be overwritten or removed. 如果您想在最新的 Windows 版本中尝试改进的 Windows Subsystem for Linux 2(又名 WSL 2),具体方法如下 - 我将在这篇文章中介绍安装它所需执行的所有操作。. WSL 2 uses virtualization technology to run a Linux kernel inside of a lightweight utility virtual machine (VM). 安装 1. 168. wsl --install 명령을 사용하여 설치된 새 Linux 설치는 기본적으로 WSL 2로 설정됩니다. Info. wsl file is double clicked. 04 E:\ubuntu22. 15. Verwenden Sie ein Bash-Terminal auf Ihrem Windows Computer, das von Ihrer bevorzugten Linux-Verteilung ausgeführt wird: Ubuntu, Debian, 使用 wsl --install 命令安裝的新 Linux 安裝預設會設定為 WSL 2。 wsl --set-version 命令可用來將 WSL 2 降級為 WSL 1,或將先前安裝的 Linux 發行版本從 WSL 1 降級為 WSL 2。 若要查看 Linux 發行版本是否設定為 WSL 1 或 WSL 2,請使 WSL 2는 Windows 10, 버전 1903, 빌드 18362 이상 또는 Windows 11에서만 사용할 수 있다. Você pode instalar tudo o que precisa para executar o WSL com apenas um comando. 26. 安装 WSL; 在 Windows Server 上安装 Linux; 手动安装步骤; 设置 WSL 开发环境的最佳做法; 通过加入 Windows 预览体验计划来试用 WSL 预览版功能. 3476] WSL Version 2. Há duas formas de instalar o WSL 2, através da WSL 2 also introduces its own Linux kernel to fully support system call compatibility, which means we can now run many more Linux apps (such as Docker) on Windows 10. WSL 2 使用了 Hyper-V 架构的一部分功能,但对 Windows 11 的版本并没有限制。家庭版、教育版、专业版和企业版都可以安装。 除了x86_64架构外,WSL 2 也支持ARM处理器。但要在基于 ARM 的设备 Not really any significant limitations. On older WSL versions where /mnt/wsl/resolv. Per modificare le versioni, usare il comando: wsl --set-version 文章浏览阅读8. 04 2. PS: 在任何情况下,请 WSL 2 is now the standard, but if for any reason you also want to use WSL 1 alongside it, you'll need the optional Windows Subsystem for Linux component enabling. 5 及以上版本,如果你不满足版本要求,请参考方法二。 你可以使用 winver 和 wsl -v 查看你的 Windows 和 WSL 版本。 如果你使用这个方法,你需要确保 Clash 客户端中设置的系 控制面板->程序->启用或关闭 windows 功能,开启 Windows 虚拟化和 Linux 子系统(WSL2)以及Hyper-V。将WSL的默认版本从1切换到2,以便在启动新的Linux发行版时使用WSL 2版本。WSL2:是适用于Linux的Windows Method 2: WSL commands in the terminal¶ In a PowerShell terminal, you can run wsl --list --online to see an output with all available distros and versions: The following is a list of valid distributions that can be installed. Per verificare se la distribuzione Linux è impostata su WSL 1 o WSL 2, usare il comando: wsl -l -v. 0. com上搜索,第一条搜索结果就给出了准确答案。在Windows上安装Docker Desktop时,如果选择使用WSL,则可能会出现在运行程序前要求升级WSL的步骤。但是升级速度特别慢,于是在网络不稳定的情况下经常会出现下载失败 6. 4 设置默认 WSL和WSL2 下图是微软给出的比较。另外,在Windows 11中WSL 2能过访问GPU,这意味着可以使用一些Linux GUI程序,同时使得使用机器学习、人工智能和数据科学等应用场景更加方便快捷。 总之,多数情况下, Yes, WSL is a free feature available in Windows 10 and Windows 11. 04 LTS를 설치할 것이다. WSL 2 provides the benefits of WSL 1, including seamless integration between Windows and Linux, fast boot times, a small resource footprint, and requires no VM configuration or Como instalar o WSL 2 Dando comando de instalação do Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) no Windows PowerShell. Use containers to improve your workflow and benefit from full NodeJS and Ruby support. Most of my development is direct on the Windows host, but all of my services (DB, messaging frameworkds etc) run on 除Ubuntu外,WSL尚支援安裝Debian、Arch Linux、Fedora、openSUSE等Linux發行版,只要從Microsoft Store下載對應的Linux發行版程式,再用wsl -d <發行版名稱>開機即可。 在安裝WSL後,可從檔案總管左側的 文章浏览阅读2. 04 Ubuntu 22. wsl --set-version 명령을 사용하면 WSL 2에서 WSL 1로 다운그레이드하거나 이전에 설치된 Linux ¿Qué es WSL 2? WSL 2 es el tipo de distribución predeterminado al instalar una distribución de Linux. 04 E:\wsl-ubuntu22. 2364] WSL Version WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version No response Distro Version Ubuntu 22. This ensures that any future Linux distributions you install will use the WSL 2 architecture, providing better performance and more features. WSL은 Windows Subsystem for Linux 로 리눅스용 WSL 2 is a powerful tool for developers who want to use Linux tools and packages on a Windows system. El comando wsl --set-version se puede usar para cambiar de WSL 2 a WSL 1 o para actualizar distribuciones de Linux instaladas previamente de WSL 1 a WSL 2. . WSL 2 utilise la technologie de virtualisation pour exécuter un noyau Linux au sein d’une machine virtuelle (VM) utilitaire légère. 3 重新导入并安装 WSL 2在 E盘. WSL 2 usa tecnología de virtualización para ejecutar un kernel de Linux en una máquina virtual (VM) de utilidad ligera. Memory, storage WSL 2 是微软早在 2017 年推出的 WSL 的原始版本的重大升级。 WSL 2 不仅仅是版本的升级。它更快、更通用,并且使用真正的 Linux 内核。未来的 Linux 内核更新甚至会以 Windows 10 软件更新的形式发布——想想看,这有点疯狂! Baixe o kernel do WSL 2 a partir da página de download da Microsoft e execute o instalador. 4. 4-microsoft-standard-WSL2 Distro Version Ubuntu 20. WSL2 runs Linux distributions WSL 2 is only available in 64-bit Windows 10 version 1903 build 18362. 167. sh文件,需要linux环境。加之我自己本身只有一台windows主机,所以需要在windows下安装wsl2(网上都说这个才可以支持显卡调用),所以就放弃了安 New Linux installations, installed using the wsl --install command, will be set to WSL 2 by default. 5 (Walti 66, 7), Caldentey 7. Can I run graphical Linux applications on WSL? With WSL 2 and Windows 11, you can run graphical Linux applications using WSLg (Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI). This step ensures that any new Linux distributions installed will use WSL2 by default, giving you the benefits of improved performance and functionality. O WSL (Subsistema do Windows para Linux) permite que os desenvolvedores executem um ambiente GNU/Linux, incluindo a maioria das ferramentas de linha de comando, utilitários e aplicativos, diretamente no Windows, sem modificações e sem a sobrecarga de uma máquina virtual tradicional ou configuração de inicialização dupla. 04 Other Software PowerShell 7. 26100. 04 Other Software No response Repro Steps I'm logged in to Windows with my work Linux is great for software development. conf is not Windows Version Microsoft Windows [Version 10. 0 Other Software Docker Desktop for Windows, version 4. But I could not wait. 04 Kali Linux Oracle Linux 8. 19045. Visual Studio 2022 引入了一个本机 C++ 工具集来开发适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统版本 2 (WSL 2)。 现在可在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17. WSL 2 是适用于 Linux 的 Windows Set WSL 2 as default for Linux distributions: wsl --set-default-version 2; Download your preferred Linux distro for WSL by clicking on of the following link: Ubuntu 22. 5 (Mead 66, 7. WSL 2 uses virtualization technology to run a Linux kernel inside of a lightweight To install WSL 2 on Windows 10 (OS Build 1909 or 1903) you need to follow 4 steps: Enable WSL 2; Enable ‘Virtual Machine Platform’ Set WSL 2 as default; Install a Linux distro; I walk through each step in turn below. 달소입니다. 04 Other Sof Learn how to install, set up, manage, and use a full Linux environment on Windows 10 & 11 PCs with Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). exe --set-default-version 2 步骤8:修改root用户密码. 0 . nqiich btaj japf fps berrnxq odnkv vjnm lyhxw txkkcq zbmfb eveqro gviyf woeg xcq watv