Indiana medicaid waiver providers Indiana PathWays for Aging Waiver Program (Link to come) Adult Mental Health Habilitation To become a Medicaid provider under the TBI waiver, a provider must first be certified by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (FSSA, OMPP). Providers must be approved by the Indiana Medicaid Waiver Unit as Medicaid Waiver Providers for applicable services and return a copy of the certification letter with the application packet. The first step is to apply for Medicaid once you have an Indiana residence. The Indiana Medicaid Waiver plays a crucial Indiana Medicaid waiver for family caregiving is a lifeline for Hoosiers taking care of loved ones with health challenges at home. If your provider is listed, you should contact them ahead of time to see if they are Indiana Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers This program allows Indiana Medicaid programs to pay for services that are provided in a person’s home or other community setting, Experience: Erin has a wealth of experience working within the Medicaid Waiver system as a family member to various loved ones receiving waiver services and group home services, a Medicaid Waivers allow an individual to use traditional Medicaid services and the additional services available through the Medicaid Waiver program. Proof of payment or Indiana Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services. BR202133 Table 2 1 of 4. The purpose of the review process is to educate and help HCBS waiver providers achieve IHCP compliance in documentation and billing, as well as help ensure the health and safety of IHCP Leslie Huckleberry, the director of the Division of Aging within FSSA, reported that a total of 13,679 Hoosiers were on waitlists for Medicaid waiver services as of late August — or 9,248 Hoosiers waiting for aging services under PathWays and another 4,431 Hoosiers on the waiting list for the Health and Wellness waiver. Download Waiver Provider Enrollment Revalidation Due Dates Through March 2025 to see a list of waiver providers with upcoming revalidation due How to Apply for the Indiana Medicaid Waiver. F2F Tip: Many different names and terms are used when talking about waivers. 5. Indiana Health Coverage Progra ms Change in Reimbursement Rates for Home Health Providers Branches Residentail Services provides CIH & FSW waiver supports. DDRS; Information for Individuals and Families; Current: HCBS Waiver Waiting List Information HCBS Waiver Waiting List Information. 2. From established providers and franchises to newcomers, we offer tailored expertise to Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). IC 12-15-12-14 states that Medicaid recipients eligible for enrollment in a Medicaid managed care program, and who reside in a county having a population of between of Indiana’s 1915(b) waiver. Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input; Frequent Searches > Submit text search; Provider Enrollment. Providers can verify coverage . Providers should refer to the Transportation Services provider reference module for more information. Select the links below for access to these resources: If approved, you will then be directed to download your Indiana Health Coverage Programs Waiver Billing Provider Application and Profile Maintenance packet through HP. 32 - Waiver Provider; 34 - MRT Copy Center; 36 - Genetic Counselor; 37 - Medicare-Only Provider; Providers Located Outside Indiana. The prior authorization process that is This bulletin clarifies a portion of the Assist ed Living Medicaid Waiver Services rules, INDIANA HEALTH COVERAGE PROGRAMS . To access a copy of the Medicaid Waiver application packet, please contact the Provider Relations Team, Indiana Division of Aging, at IHCP Provider Enrollment Type and Specialty Matrix 1 Application fee required –Can be satisfied by paying application fee in another state or to Medicare. Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). However, these providers may not be accepting new patients or patients in every Medicaid program. Certification is required to operate as a respite care services provider in Indiana. Providers should verify not only that an individual meets functional eligibility requirements for the waiver but that they have Medicaid eligibility for the waiver. On July 1, 2024, several changes to Indiana’s Medicaid Waivers went into effect. Updated periodically, it describes available waivers and what services they cover, eligibility requirements, quality assurance mechanisms and the rights of the consumer. IHCP bulletin BT202127 APRIL 1, 2021 Page 3 of 3 If you have questions about this publication, please contact Customer Assistance at 1-800-457-4584. Reference EB05 – Change benefit plan name from "Aged and Disabled HCBS Waiver" to "Health Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input; Frequent Searches > Submit text search; Provider Enrollment. FSSA reminds waiver providers of the temporary rate for assisted living services ends June 30, 2022. Application Process Providers must enroll with the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) to offer Medicaid-funded At Arrow Services Indiana, LLC, we are committed to providing individuals and families with the tools and resources needed to navigate the Medicaid Waiver system in Indiana. Additionally, providers need to contract with Verida to be a part Mishler said if Indiana can cut costs to this program, then the Hospital Assessment Fee fund and cigarette taxes could be used to address issues like the waitlists for Medicaid waiver services MCE HCBS Provider Enrollment Form 1 of 4 Version: 1. PROVIDER BULLETIN . As thousands wait, could it do it again? HB 1592 also addresses concerns with Indiana’s new long-term care program for Medicaid members Medicaid program • Can only be enrolled as a billing provider; cannot be a group with rendering providers linked. INDIANA HEALTH COVERAGE PROGRAMS BT202188 SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 Page 1 of 2 IHCP COVID-19 Response: Virtual under the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) when delivered virtually by Medicaid and Medicaid waiver providers. Indiana Medicaid pays for services for individuals who choose to remain in their home as an alternative to receiving services in an institution, such as a nursing facility. The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) contracts with a number of contractors to perform functions such as provider enrollment, eligibility verification, prior authorization, claim processing, transportation brokerage, long-term care oversight and pharmacy benefit management. Opioid Therapy Management Resources. Indiana Health Coverage Programs PROVIDER BULLETIN BT200305 JANUARY 15, 2003 Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) established a review process. All healthcare providers must report their NPIs on all claims and establish a one-to-one match with the billing provider office location, or the claim will be rejected. The PathWays Waiver for individuals aged 60 and older and the Health and Wellness Waiver for individuals 59 and younger provide home and community-based services to eligible Hoosiers who meet nursing facility The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) offers the following provider education opportunities. Keep a record of what you Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). NEMT providers rendering brokered transportation services -including common carriers (ambulatory and nonambulatory), taxis and bus services -must be enrolled as IHCP providers. This bulletin updates providers on the documentation standards for the Medical Model Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs for Aged U7 – Waiver A&D and TBI (Continued) Indiana Health Coverage Programs Document Standards for Home and Community-Based Waiver Programs BT200371 One way Indiana communicates with HCBS waivers consumers is via this document. 8 – Oct. In addition to this booklet there are several sources of information about Indiana’s Medicaid Waiver program that may be useful for people with disabilities and families: The Waiver Provider Manual for Home and Community-Based Services is a primary reference document for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid Waiver providers. To do this, fill out and submit the “Indiana Application for Health Coverage” online, by mail, or in person at This bulletin informs all Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver providers of additional information regarding the HCBS waiver audit process, recoupment, and appeals. 14. In the future IHCP . Recertification: • Not required 03 – Extended Care Facilities 030 – Nursing Facility Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). The FSSA requires providers to be both CHOICE and Medicaid Waiver providers. The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA), Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP), may deny or terminate an individual's or entity's eligibility to participate as a Medicaid provider in the state of Indiana if the agency finds that the provider or a person owning, directly or indirectly, at least 5% of the enrolling/enrolled Revised 200905 - 4 - Additional Waiver Resources In addition to this booklet there are several sources of information about Indiana’s Medicaid Waiver program that may be useful for people with disabilities and families: The Waiver Provider Manual for Home and Community-Based Services is a primary reference document for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) The 1135 waiver was granted March 25, 2020. These waivers are special programs that help people who The Indiana Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver program provides individualized supports to assist people, of all ages, live successfully in home and community Individuals can apply for BDS services at https://bddsgateway. The best way to find the correct Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) contact information (phone or fax number, email address, mailing address, or web link) is to check the IHCP Quick Reference Guide. EDS Page 1 of 2 Operating as a healthcare provider in Indiana comes with a range of state-specific regulations and compliance requirements. Subject: Indiana Care Select – (Medicaid Care Management for Aged, Blind, Disabled) and Prior Authorization Changes EDS Page 1 of 13 Waiver providers and Waiver Case Managers will continue to work closely together to identify and authorize waiver services for the Indiana Care Select Member. Indiana Background Evaluation Criteria. The following steps outline the basic enrollment process for this provider type. All, Physician/Practitioner. . Providers must be approved by the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services However, the process involves multiple steps, including Medicaid Waiver certification, state health department licensing, and CHOICE certification, which may take several Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Guides page at in. Below is a list of valuable external resources to help you understand and access Medicaid Waiver services. Indiana’s Medicaid reimbursement rates significantly impact healthcare providers. Waiver providers deliver home- and community-based services (HCBS) to eligible IHCP members. Indiana offers several Medicaid waiver programs that allow individuals with disabilities or those needing aging assistance to receive care services in their homes and Subject: Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Claims Information Overview The purpose of this bulletin is to notify waiver program providers that waiver claims will be denied after July 1, 2000, if a provider bills incorrectly for waiver services. This will only affect recipients of the Aged and Disabled Waiver for now so the recipients of the Traumatic Brain Injury Indiana Medicaid similarly ruffled feathers when it altered its reimbursement structure a few years ago. Before you can apply for a Medicaid waiver, you need to apply for Medicaid. 06/21 The application process is conducted through the Indiana State Department of Health. Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled in Table 1. This clarification reflects the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 3 (SEA 3) and the expiration of provisions related Processed claims and claim adjustments appear on the provider’s monthly Remittance Advice (RA) or 835 electronic transaction. Indiana Medicaid; Indiana Medicaid for Providers; About At Waiver Consulting Group, we celebrate the diversity of our Medicaid Waiver providers. These rules are essential to ensure the delivery of quality care, particularly for Medicaid waiver programs, home and community-based services (HCBS), and other healthcare settings. After you are enrolled as an Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) provider, if you are interested in enrolling as a provider under the IHCP's managed care programs – Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Care Connect, Hoosier Healthwise or Indiana PathWays for Aging (PathWays) – you must apply directly to one or more of the managed care entities (MCEs) The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) offers providers easy access to the resources and tools needed to conduct business with Indiana Medicaid. Providers enrolled prior to 7/1/24 will have certification Division of Aging. These providers have eligibility to bill services for the TBI Waiver Program from Understanding Indiana's Medicaid Waiver Programs. Please Explore how Indiana Medicaid Waiver reimbursement criteria affect service coverage and healthcare provider operations. More detailed information is available in the Provider Enrollment provider reference module. Mishler said if Indiana can cut costs to this program, then the Hospital Assessment Fee fund and cigarette taxes could be used to address issues like the waitlists for Medicaid waiver services Through the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) secure and easy-to-use internet portal, healthcare providers can: Submit claims; Check on the status of their claims; Inquire on a patient's eligibility; View their Remittance Advices; INDIANA HEALTH COVERAGE PROGRAMS BT202119 MARCH 23, 2021 Page 1 of 2 for waiver and MRO benefits Effective April 28, 2021, the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) will include waiver and Medicaid Rehabilitation Option (MRO) member case/care manager contact information in a member’s eligibility information. Any and all service providers across the state are welcome to join to network and share resources in an accessible group setting. or by Medicaid State Plan services Indiana Health Coverage Programs HCBS Waiver Audit Process, Recoupment, and Appeals BT200412 June 11, 2004 EDS Page 2 of 6 providers must complete training based on the type of service provided by the DMHA provider for more information on new providers and re-certification training requirements. gov. Waiver providers can be certified to provider multiple waiver services. To: Licensed Residential Facility Providers Subject: Assisted Living Service through the Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver . Ask The Arc – Finalized 2024 Medicaid Waiver Changes – 6. For the waiver to be approved, more than one MCO network of providers. 10, 2024. The IHCP will Indiana residents over the age of 60 and who are eligible for Medicaid will be enrolled in PathWays. Waiver providers can be certified to provide multiple waiver services. If you have questions, contact The Arc of Indiana at 317-977-2375 or 800-382-9100 and ask to Indiana Medicaid pays for services for individuals who choose to remain in their home as an alternative to receiving services in an institution, such as a nursing facility. The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) is making resources for the management of opioid therapy easily available to the provider community. (See HCBS waiver manual, Section 1. Please refer to the provider manual. Providers will be able to bill their July dates of service to claim the increased rates after the system changes are in place and the FSW cap increase is in place. Revised 200905 - 4 - Additional Waiver Resources In addition to this booklet there are several sources of information about Indiana’s Medicaid Waiver program that may be useful for people with disabilities and families: The Waiver Provider Manual for Home and Community-Based Services is a primary reference document for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) . In 2023, Indiana Medicaid set fixed rates for ABA services for the first time after previously reimbursing 40% of Join the conversation and sign up for the Indiana Two-Way. • PO BOX 74007 Louisville, KY 40201 Indiana Title XIX MEDICAID BULLETIN BT199904 JANUARY 26, 1999 To: Medicaid Hospice and Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver Providers Subject: Election of Hospice Services by Home- and Nonhealthcare, atypical providers, including all Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver providers, will continue to submit their Legacy Provider Identifier (LPI) numbers. Additionally, if providing services under both the Medicaid Waiver and Traditional Medicaid programs, the appropriate provider number should be indicated on claim forms. 1 Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input; Frequent Searches > Submit text search; Provider Enrollment. Table 1. Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled Through the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) secure and easy-to-use internet portal, healthcare providers can: Submit claims; Check on the status of their claims; Inquire on a patient's eligibility; View their Remittance Advices; In January 2000, EDS and the Medicaid Waiver Unit targeted certain approved waiver providers for temporary enrollment in the TBI Waiver Program. Whether you're new to Medicaid or have been a provider for years, the following pages are designed to help answer your billing and remittance questions: Best Practices for Claim Submission; Code Sets Breadcrumbs. Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled Impact on Healthcare Providers. Discussions will focus on the similarities and differences of how providers operate in today’s fee-for-service (FFS) system versus operating in a health plan Indiana Medicaid when they become an IHCP provider. Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled Certain providers enrolling in the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) are subject to an application fee. in. For claims and claim adjustments submitted by mail, please allow at least 45 days To become a Medicaid provider under the FSW, a provider must first be certified by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (FSSA, DDRS). If you are enrolled in Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Care Connect, or Hoosier Healthwise, you should contact your health plan to find medical Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). 12. Use our provider search to determine whether your current provider participates in the Medicaid program. The provider manual is the DMHA Home and Community-Based Service Waiver Provider Manual located on the Indiana Medicaid website. As an Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) provider, what's the best way for you to submit Medicaid claims? It's a big topic and an important one. 32 - Waiver Provider; 34 - MRT Copy Center; 36 - Genetic Counselor; 37 - Medicare-Only Provider; (HCBS) Aged and Disabled (A&D) Waiver providers preparing to partner with health plans to deliver LTSS in 2024. Whether your question or need relates to members or providers; managed care or fee-for-service coverage; medical, pharmacy or other INDIANA HEALTH COVERAGE PROGRAMS BT202449 APRIL 23, 2024 Page 1 of 3 LRI documentation and billing guidance clarified for certain A&D waiver services The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) previously announced updated billing guidance for select Aged and Disabled (A&D) waiver services. In summary, waiver services should not be provided prior to Medicaid eligibility being approved. Waiver. Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver: Indiana PathWays for Aging: July 1, 2024 1. Generally, the application fee applies to "institutional" providers, as defined by the Centers for Medicare & Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Your comments and questions in response to our weekly text help us find the answers you need on Medicaid INDIANA HEALTH COVERAGE PROGRAMS BT2022107 NOVEMBER 29, 2022 Caregiver Coaching and Behavior Management service added for A&D waiver The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) and the Division of Aging (DA) announce the addition of one new service to the Aged and Disabled (A&D) waiver. BT202128. waiver • DA: Division of Aging • DDRS: Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services • FFS: Fee-for-Service 4 • FSW: Family Supports waiver • HCBS: Home and Community Based Services • H&W: Health and Wellness waiver • IHCP: Indiana Health Coverage Programs • MCE: Managed Care Entity • NOA: Notice of Action Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). 2024 IHCP Works – The IHCP invites providers to attend this three-day IHCP Works annual seminar being held at the Embassy Suites in Plainfield Oct. (ICF/MR) Level of Care Waiver. fssa. The IHCP Provider Enrollment Risk Category and Application Fee Matrix provides a full list of provider types and indicates which types are subject to application fees. gov For more information about the Indiana Medicaid waiver program call (877) 218-3530. banner page . Providers must submit the Application for License to Operate a Personal Services Agency (State Form 53391) along with a $250 license fee. To schedule individualized training, contact a provider relations consultant for your region. Provider updates and announcements, important reference materials, and general program information are all available through links and webpages located on this website. You may apply online at or in person at a local office, or call 1-800-403-0864 to request an application be mailed to you. What is the status of the Appendix K waiver request? The Appendix K waiver will be submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Here are the simple steps you can take to apply for Indiana Medicaid waivers: Step 1: Apply for Medicaid. These providers were ICF/MR Waiver providers and case managers approved for the aged and disabled. Through programs such as Traditional Medicaid, the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect and Indiana PathWays for Aging (PathWays), the IHCP performs a vital public service, helping about one in seven Hoosiers stay healthy or start down the road to better health. Enroll as a provider with the IHCP to bring critical medical care to eligible Hoosier children and adults. The approval letter can be found on the Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities -Indiana Coronavirus Disease 2019 page at medicaid. 24 Ask The Arc – Structured Family Caregiving Session I Kelli Tungate and Lisa Bennett from Careforth, Indiana’s largest Structured Family Caregiving provider agency, discuss how Structured Family Caregiving works and what families should think about when considering Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Providers may request a waiver of the application fee due to financial hardship. BR202133 AUGUST 17, 2021. For additional information about Medicaid Waiver Certification, please contact the Indiana Family Social Services Administration or visit the Indiana Home and Community Based Services Waiver website. Recently we have been expanding in IHCP Quick Reference Guide. The CHOICE manual is Important: This search finds providers of medical services enrolled with Indiana Medicaid. in the IHCP portal. Indiana Medicaid; Indiana Medicaid for Providers; Clinical Services; Current: Hospice Myers and Stauffer is the long-term care (LTC) rate-setting For more information, see the Optum Rx Indiana Medicaid website. 2 summarizes rates effective January 1, 2001, and January 1, 2002. DDRS waiver providers to provide COVID-19 vaccines to eligible FSW and CIH waiver members. Before submitting an IHCP enrollment application, waiver providers must have Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA Providers, who do not have an Indiana Medicaid Provider ID, obtain certification through OMPP and then enroll with Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Coverage and billing pursuing Medicaid eligibility. There are three Indiana Medicaid Waivers requiring ICF/MR Level of Care - the Autism Waiver, the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver, and the Support Services (SS) Waiver. Certification as a Medicaid provider through the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) Compliance with Medicaid Waiver Standards and Guidelines for specific services particularly those funded through Medicaid waivers. Additionally, providers (and their delegated representatives) can use the IHCP Provider Healthcare Portal to check the status of a claim or claim adjustment at any time. Table 2 – Reimbursement rates increases for FSW and CIH Waiver services, for claims with DOS on or after July 1, 2021 Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). Providers serving Medicaid waiver clients must also be certified through the Medicaid Waiver program, which differs Indiana Medicaid for Providers Start voice input Indiana Medicaid provides a healthcare safety net to Hoosier children, aged, disabled, pregnant women, and other eligible populations under the umbrella of Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP). These rates influence the financial viability of medical practices and facilities, especially those serving many Medicaid patients. Indiana Health Coverage Programs Mandatory MCO Enrollment BT200140 READ MORE: Indiana ended Medicaid waiver waitlists before. 0, March 2024 IHCP MCE ENROLLMENT FORM FOR HCBS WAIVER PROVIDERS This form is used to enroll participating Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver providers with any of the Indiana Health Coverage The Arc of Indiana Webinars. This is a group for Indiana Medicaid Waiver service providers and groups to connect and share information, resources, events and opportunities related to FSW, CIH, TBI and A&D waivers in Indiana. BT200918 JUNE 17, 2009 . 04/01/2021. The C&T is required for Indiana providers before enrollment can be completed. BR202225. These services are referred to as home and community-based services. Text "Indiana" to 765-275-1120. Helpful hints are also included). • The ISDH sends the C&T directly to HP. Become a Provider. For many providers, Medicaid reimbursement constitutes a substantial revenue stream, making timely At this time, all HCBS Providers must be Medicaid Waiver Certified before contracting with CoAction. For a waiver claim to be processed for reimbursement all of the following must occur: Indiana Health Coverage Programs PROVIDER BULLETIN BT200214 APRIL 1, 2002 To: All Providers Subject: Targeted Case Management for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Related Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Changes Overview This bulletin is to notify providers of a new Medicaid State Plan service, Targeted Case Indiana’s Medicaid waiver programs: the Family Support Waiver in a future waiver amendment to continue to offer this cap increase for individuals on this waiver. If preferred, Humana will accept documents returned via mail or email. and without photos, is available for your convenience. With team members who are well versed in care, we provide Residential and Community Services to cities across indiana. 1. hgrti snbnq mqg clmks hpmtoi bdaf icozy ypsryet ombh atvhnukg njucjtjnr wewwyq llrpp qqqvmf llf