City of miami impact fees Email In January 2020, City of Miami joined the C40 Cities network and Mayor Francis Suarez announced a carbon neutrality goal of reaching net zero City-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. ROAD IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE § 33E-7. Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance Update click here Roadway Impact Fee Rate Matrix click here. Projected Exemption Amount Per Unit Type (Based on 2022 Impact Fee Rates -- Non-UIA -- Park District 1) Fee Type Apply for a Restricted Job (City of Miami Employees Only) Subscribe to City Job Opening Notifications; City of Miami Jobs: Eligibility & Ineligibility; Career Resources & Non-City Jobs Sub-menu. Summary tables include: Updated Fees. 45 × gallon per day usage ($1. Vicentia Ave. In January 2024, the City contracted with Duncan Associates to complete a new study and fee schedule. Impact Fee Study. City of Beavercreek(Ohio 2000) Volusia County, etc. For residential, this means new residences will be charged the fee. § 33K-2. Download and read documents to learn how the fees are being used. The impact fee was updated in 1989 to address right‐of‐way and construction cost increases and to include trip length variation by the district. 13-53 of the City of Miami Code) for various projects that correspond to the commitments under the Increment III Order as well as subject category purposes. Planning Forms. City of Miami Building Permit Fee Schedule; Pull, Print a Permit; Unsafe Structures Sub-menu. in the City Commission chambers located at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT AND OTHER RELATED FEES: Article I. 380, Florida Statute, in 1972, and the first DRI in the City of Miami was approved in 1976. General provisions. This goal is alignment with the globally accepted Paris Climate Agreement aiming to “keep global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels” Traffic Impact Analysis Review: Cost Recovery, subject to the assessment of the consultant. . 901 SW 62 Avenue . governments to act to preserve the health and safety of their citizens. The City Council passed Ordinance 6715, adopting a new Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule effective January 1, 2023. Transportation Impact Fee CIP Map (PDF) A regularly scheduled meeting of the Miami City Commission will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 9:00 a. The fee amount varies depending on the land use or combination of uses. PARK IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Chapter 33H. gov Revised: 09/11/2024. Download impact fee documents and explore how Berkeley uses fees charged for development projects. PART OF MIAMI 21. The official website of the City of Oakland. Rules of construction. Building. 9362‐A). ft. am-to apply for a double-density or ½ density bonus, you must select one option under #2 and one option under #2a. Calculation of impact fee. The City of Miami Gardens hereby adopts by reference Miami-Dade County Ordinance Number 88-112 "Miami-Dade County Road Impact Fee Ordinance"; Ordinance Number 90-59 "Park Impact Fee Ordinance" ; Ordinance Counties & Cities of Florida » Code of Federal Regulations » United States Code » Miami - Dade County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 33H. 00) whichever is less and (b) seven and one-half (7½) percent For all development impact fees, the City Finance Department adds a 4 percent charge to fund the costs of fee program administration, collection, and reporting. The city of Buckeye is in the process of updating their development impact fees. ROAD IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE § 33E-1. Evolution of Impact Fee Practice State law and home rule provisions State court decisions Homebuilders Association of Dayton and the Miami Valley v. Aberdeen at Ormond Beach, L. Fax: (305) 261-9914. Pay Impact Fees. 3988 sq. Charter Position; City Clerk. Community Development. All permit applications must be started electronically in iBuild or ePlan. ROAD IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Chapter 33E. P. govt, water, and sewer Based on studies from 2007 Adopted in 2010 (water and sewer at 100%, rest at 50%) Major changes in this update New stormwater impact fee, repeal of transportation impact fee Methodologies Impact fees are standards-based Based on current cost to provide existing level of service to new 2024 Development Impact Fee Update. 3183 $9. Road impact fee formula. Local governments charge developers impact fees to pay for the TABLE OF CONTENTS . Both the master plan and the proposed new impact-fee program are part of Miami 21, the city's effort to create a new ''smart-growth'' development blueprint for the city. 1502 Planning Technician Note: The payment of upfront fees for the City of Miami Building Department does not include the upfront fees accessed by Miami-Dade County external agencies (DERM, WAS-D, Impact Fees). W. More details on Boise's affordable housing programs can be found on the Housing and Community Development page. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Chapter 33K. The County Sewer Impact Fee is established as listed: Single Family Residential, per dwelling unit $3,175; Multi-Family Residential, calculated by square footage ($1. , etc. These Impact Fees are intended to assure adequate public facilities to serve new development in the City by requiring each such development to pay a share of the costs of Police. City of North Miami Beach 17011 NE 19th Avenue N Miami Beach, FL 33162 Phone: 305-947-7581 What is City of Miami doing about climate change? Learn about how sea level rise, flooding, extreme heat, hurricanes, and storms impact Miami and how the City will address these climate change challenges. 1 states: "Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation Do you want to replace or repair your roof? A building permit is required for all roofing work in both residential and commercial properties. on January 15, 2006, the zoning department shall determine the amount of 0,$0, '$'( &2817< ,03$&7 )((6 5$7( 6&+('8/( 52$' 52$' ),5(32/,&(6&+22/3$5. Contact Us. Pay permit, inspection, impact and related development fees. Request an Impact Fee Credit or Refund; Apply for an Exception; Get a Miami: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 13. gov to receive final fees once you have scheduled your final inspections. Tree Mitigation Payment (in lieu of Canopy Replacement) No Fee: Tree Planting Permit (For mitigation purposes) No Fee: Tree Removal Permit: $88 for one (1) tree + $29/ea. § 13-9. Pre-Application Process; The documentation you need to open and run a business in The City of Miami. The City of Lakeland collects non-utility impact fees for Polk County at the time of permit. The resulting Impact Fee Study Report, including the proposed new fee schedule, is Miami Dade County Impact Fees Updated 12/31/23. To expedite this calculation, the City requests that an “Impact Fee Assessment” table is provided Reminder: These documents are NOT applications (other than the legacy permit, see below). Judicial review. Unity of Title Review: $541: Variance Miami-Dade Road Impact Fee Manual or impact fee manual or the manual means the document adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners which contains information, sets forth procedures and implements policies thence Westerly along the South boundary of the City of Miami to LeJeune Road (S. Fax. § 13-18. 4 million over four-year phase-in than without phasing Temescal Canyon Public Safety Facility Impact Fees; South Corona Benefit Area; Temescal Valley Benefit Area; Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Category Definitions; City Hall is open Monday – Thursday 7 AM - 6 PM. Review the documents and presentations used in the process of creating the impact fee ordinance by visiting the The city allows large-scale developers to deposit funds into an escrow account to pay for permitting fees in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. 480-644-5799 . Impact fees are collected at the time a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. This form is available to estimate fees for development within the Downtown DRI or the Southeast Overtown/Park West DRI. Closed Friday. Water Meter Fees - Effective 3/5/2025. Pre-Application It's the law. Table 1-1 shows the updated maximum justifiable development impact fees by land use category (under illustrative development project assumptions 8 General Government Fees have not been updated in 17 years Building costs have increased 85% along with 50% adoption, accounts for single-family increase Capital needs $200 million to build expanded city hall/police station Effects of phasing Would collect 12% less than current fees over next four years Loss of $2. He was part of a team that won a The City of Miami issues Waivers intended to relieve practical difficulties in complying with the Miami 21 Code, when such Waivers meet a specific list of requirements. PARK IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE § 33H-1. View the Southeast Overtown/Park West DRI Fee Calculator. The Mayor and Council of the City of North Miami on November 26, 2024, at its regularly scheduled meeting adopted Ordinance No. 3 Overview Current fees Transportation, parks, library, police, gen. Definitions. Parks & Recreation Impact Fees. Additionally, the program considerations should include phase-in periods, the types of fees collected, the total cost to development, and whether or not geography is a consideration. 50 per square foot wastewater) The City of South Miami Schedule of Fees and Fines contains the various fees the City charges for services (i. § 13-19. As part of this process, an Impact Fee Study is being completed to review and update current Land Use Assumptions (LUA), Infrastructure Improvement Plans (IIP) and to prepare a development fee report which details the fee calculation methodology and The Building Department enforces codes and regulations established by the State of Florida and Miami-Dade County governing the construction, alteration, and maintenance of buildings and structures within the City of Miami for the Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council. The City of Miami Beach is guided by the Florida Building Code. Those fees vary by municipality and are not reflected in the below. The Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) is responsible for Certificate of Use/Fire Safety Permit inspections and Plans Review for construction as well as the yearly Certificate of Occupancy program, water flow tests, monitor the hydrant and water supply system, and conduct annual life safety inspections in all existing Apply for a Restricted Job (City of Miami Employees Only) Subscribe to City Job Opening Notifications; City of Miami Jobs: Eligibility & Ineligibility; Career Resources & Non-City Jobs Sub-menu. Parks Impact Fees - Effective 2/1/2023. Such fee will be based on the capital cost of roadway improvements required to serve any Traffic Impact Fees (TrIFs) are used by the City for pay for transportation projects. E. County Sewer Impact Fee. 8401 NW 53rd Terrace. 8316. Short title, authority and applicability. 1302, for purposes of, among other items, adopting an A Development of Regional Impact (“DRI”) is a development, the character or magnitude of which extends beyond the county in which it is developed. For educational projects, contact the Traffic Engineering Division of the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works: 786-469-5675 Miami-Dade Road Impact Fee Manual or impact fee manual or the manual means the document adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners which contains information, sets forth procedures and implements policies thence Title: 2024-12-31-PWIF - Impact Fee Rates (Mobility). Planning. Business Impact Estimate; City Code; City Schedule of Fees; Connect with us; Forms & Applications; How to do Business with the City; Counties & Cities of Florida » Code of Federal Regulations » United States Code » Miami - Dade County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 33K. gov. § 33E-2. Deferral of impact fees for affordable housing and workforce housing; waivers of contributions into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Impact fees help defray the costs of expanding capital facilities to serve new growth and development. 42 Avenue For information regarding fees related to Water and Wastewater, please visit the Water Utilities Department page or contact 863. on January 15, 2006, the zoning department shall determine Upon receipt of impact fees, the building department shall transfer such funds to the city finance department which shall be responsible for placement of such funds into the appropriate Pay permit, inspection, impact and related development fees. 45 City) + Seminole County Sewer Impact Fee. 33 E. These fees are paid as pre-development This article shall be uniformly applicable to all new development, and the appropriate impact fees shall be collected prior to issuance of a building permit except where a building permit is Pursuant to the DDRI Increment III Order, Miami DDA can request funds collected under below Impact Fee categories (Sec. e. Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Impact Fee Report (PDF, 120KB) Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Impact Fee Report (PDF, 120KB) Contact Us Phone. The City of Miami currently provides specific incentives to facilitate the development of affordable and workforce housing within City limits by both for-profit and non-profit developers. Latest version. 63$5. additional tree. xls City Council concurred with staff recommendations to evaluate and begin development of an impact fee program that is tailored to meet the needs of the City of Tacoma. a. Planning & Zoning 386-424-2400 option 2, then 4, then 2 Planning@cityofedgewater. m. please note the following: - of all options on right automatically consider applicants for impact- fee deferral. Granicus Agenda; West Miami City Hall. Meridian, Idaho 83642 (208) 888-4433. Chapter 2. Animal Care. The impact fees established in this article applicable to development submitting building permit applications accepted as complete by the city on or after January 15, 2006 are based on the methodology and data presented in "Growth-Related Capital Improvements & Impact Fees" by TischlerBise, Fiscal, Economic & Planning Consultants, dated New Impact Fees implementation effective date April 14th, 2025. (Florida, 2000) Tina Brown, First Home Builders of Florida, and Lee County Building Industry Association, Inc. Phone: (305) 266-1122. § 33H-2. All fees due to the City of Mesa for licenses, permits, and development applications are paid through the DIMES ePermit online portal or in person at a Mesa facility. Guide to Opening a Business in The City of Miami. Jobs/Housing Impact Fees (for projects that are 25,000 square feet or greater) proposed ordinance does not waive any impact fees that may be inassessed and dependently collected by municipalities for services provided by said jurisdictions. 2016-251 Fee to record documents electronically with Miami-Dade County 11-15-16 Resolution No. 11-15-16 Resolution No. 13-53 of the City of Miami Code) for various projects that correspond to the commitments under the Increment III Upon receipt and acceptance by the city of a complete application for a building permit for a new development prior to 5:00 p. , v. Doral, Florida 33166. 2016-258 Amended Parking Rates 03-28-17 Resolution No. View our Guide to Getting a Permit our Permit Catalog or the Building Department for help. 2015 Transportation, Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update; Impact Fee Maps. At this time, come to The Department of Housing & Community The Impact Fee Schedule is a reference tool to help estimate the cost of development in the City of Maitland. Call before you dig. City of Meridian. both reqs. 628 ROAD ROAD FIRE POLICE SCHOOL PARKS PARKS PARKS Non UIA* UIA* DIST 1 (North) DIST 2 (Middle) DIST 3 (South) Port and Terminal Truck Terminals $10. For an official estimate of impact fees please contact the City of Melissa Development Services Department, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 972-838-2036. com, (305) 416-1200 3. Broadway Ave. The official amount of fees due to the City will be calculated by staff and conveyed to the developer during the permitting process. ) notes: The Legislature finds that impact fees are an important source of revenue for a local. Road Impact Fee Deferral For Certain Land Use Types To verify if a Traffic Impact Study or Traffic Study is required, contact the City of Miami Department of Resilience and Public Works: internetpublicworks@miamigov. org. This email will also include the covenant template and impact fee deferral application. Any development of regional impact (DRI) (excluding the downtown DRI and the Southeast Overtown/Park West area-wide DRI), for which a development order has been issued by the city before the effective date of this chapter, providing that the building permit for such DRI is obtained within 15 months of the initial effective date of this chapter. § 33E-18. Below, please find a list of Building Forms to be Used for Legacy Projects The City of Miami has an agreement with Florida International University’s Metropolitan Center to commission the preparation and drafting of a comprehensive Affordable Housing Master Plan. To estimate the impact fees for a project, add the totals from the City of North Port impact fee schedule's applicable category and the Sarasota County impact fee schedule's The impact fees established in this article applicable to development submitting building permit applications accepted as complete by the city on or after January 15, 2006 are based on the methodology and data presented in "Growth-Related Capital Improvements & Impact Fees" by TischlerBise, Fiscal, Economic & Planning Consultants, dated Transportation Impact Fee Waiver Program Overview. administrative, permitting, rental, inspections, etc. Parks & Recreation Impact Fees are special fees for new residential development and consist of a flat fee per dwelling unit. As such, t hese City-led actions are accompanied by recommendations for the City’s partners, businesses, and residents to ensure that the growth of the new green economy benefits Miamians through workforce Impact Fees. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE § 33K-1. Pay any of the following fees using individual and multiple processes/invoice numbers: Pay Fees Due. Under Ordinance 2020-793 (PDF, 5MB), the City of Waco established Water, Wastewater, and Roadway Impact Fees. Residents Community Business Government Counties & Cities of Florida » Miami - Dade County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 33E. apply-if you strictly wish Impact fees charged to certain development projects help fund affordable housing, child care, public art, and open space in Berkeley. On October 20, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY IMPACT FEES RATE SCHEDULE 1. , #400 Tampa, Florida, 33602 ph (813) 224-8862 fax (813) 226-2106 The City of Miami Code of Ordinance Chapter 18 Sections 291 to 298, establishes the Stormwater Fees and Fund. Miami's park facilities have long been criticized by some residents as The City’s impact fees, which were based on a 2007 study, have not changed since 2010. (2) Authority and applicability. Miami-Dade County Road Impact Fee Manual. Impact fees are a one-time charge assessed to new development and redevelopment, calculated in accordance with the methodology outlined in Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. Pay Building, Electrical, Apply for a Restricted Job (City of Miami Employees Only) Subscribe to City Job Opening Notifications; City of Miami Jobs: Eligibility & Ineligibility; Career Resources & Non-City Jobs Sub-menu. Effect of City of Hallandale Beach Impact Fee Study FINAL Report April 17, 2019 Prepared for: City of Hallandale Beach 400 South Federal Highway Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Prepared by: Tindale Oliver 1000 N. Incorporation of provisions by reference. Ashley Dr. 7000 Raising ‘impact fees’ Aaron Leibowitz covers the city of Miami Beach for the Miami Herald, where he has worked as a local government reporter since 2019. Please email bldginfo@northportfl. 2017-67 Updated Impact Fee, Sewer Capacity Fee 05-30-17 Resolution No. Chapter 166 and the Florida Constitution, the City is authorized to construct, improve and extend the stormwater utility systems and to issue revenue and other debts if needed to finance in whole or in Pursuant to the DDRI Increment III Order, Miami DDA can request funds collected under below Impact Fee categories (Sec. Appeal to city commission. § 33H-3. v. City of Miami Beach Impact Fees Review - Summary of Issues From October 1, 2014 through December 31, 2022 Insufficient Support Maintained by Miami Beach Exce tions Overpayment Underpayment Schedule I Comments Revised building plans approved by Miami Beach were not resubmited to RER after Counties & Cities of Florida » Code of Ordinances: Chapter 33E. The City, however, cannot work alone to grow the new green economy – it requires partners to achieve broad impact. City of Doral. Start a . Miami: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 13. Any new projects in the City of Greer. Home. DRIs were established by Sec. For example, residential fees and commercial fees are not the same because they The City of Miami (City) is an equal opportunity employer, and it is the policy of the City to prohibit discrimination in all terms and conditions of employment on the basis of an individual’s race, color, age, national origin, religion, gender, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, or retaliation for reporting same. 31801, F. 00 is one percent of To encourage such development, the city commission hereby finds and determines that an impact fee deferral program for affordable housing within the city fulfills a public purpose and will help Were you charged an impact fee during the building permitting process, and you feel you are entitled to a credit or refund? Impact fees are charged to help The City address new Miami-Dade County collects impact fees for Mobility, Fire and Emergency Services, Police Services, Parks and Educational Facilities. West Miami, FL 33144. 480-644-5585 . Police impact fee schedule. Fire. Request an Impact Fee Credit or Refund; Apply for an Exception; Get a Development Project Covenant; Rezones Sub-menu. Look up Development & Impact Fees The City of Orlando requires different fees related to Adopted Impact Fees Effective Date Of Impact Fees: June 1, 2021. the Miami Forever Bond. 834. p. Community Development Home. Corona, CA 92882 Permits & Construction in the City of Miami. Impact fees are a one-time payment, designed to offset new development’s impact on infrastructure. Department. , et al. | 400 S. View City of Miami Zoning Code (Miami Bellevue’s transportation impact fees vary for different types of land uses. Review our step-by-step guide to starting a business in The City. 6. As part of the Mayor's Strengthen Orlando Initiative, the Transportation Planning Division adopted a city code amendment in April 2011 that provided for an exemption to the assessment of transportation impact fees for certain qualified changes in use. Upon receipt and acceptance by the city of a complete application for a building permit for a new development prior to 5:00 p. City Commission Meetings Calendar; Agendas and Minutes. 2019-10-01-PWIF - Impact Fee Rates. 3 Impact Fees FAQ; Effective July 1, 2024, the City of Savannah will charge development impact fees at 75% of the adopted rates. According to provisions of F. The City has an affordable housing impact fee deferral program that allows eligible projects to defer payment of impact fees until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued - please contact Joe Bruce for more information. Short title and applicability. If you have questions about DRIs you can call our Planning department at 305-416-1400 or email Information about development impact fees. PW Review / Inspection Fees - Effective 3/5/2025. 1531, an Ordinance amending and restating the City of North Miami Development Impact Fee Act established under Ordinance No. IMPACT FEES Impact fees are considered allowable under the precept of police powers, the ability of local. Find out about meetings, request City services through OAK 311, or contact the Mayor and City Council. roject address and folio number (if available) please choose from options 1 – 5 on right. Use the menus above to navigate by City Departments or Categories. Fire Prevention Bureau. S. Greer’s impact fees will help fund capital projects for Fire, Police, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation. NOTE: If your proposed roof is part of an existing project that you applied for before 12/5/18 (ePlan launch), then you will apply for your roofing permit online (see below), but you will submit your plans in-person at the Building department at 444 Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources Online Payment Services. IN GENERAL § 13-27. View City of Miami Zoning Code (Miami 21) The City sewer impact fee charge is based on $1. Pay the Impact Fee assessment using the Process Number(s). Business Impact Estimate; City Code; City Schedule of Fees; Connect with us; Forms & Applications; How to do Business with the City; Notice of Increase to Impact Fees; Permit Information; Building Permit Forms & Fees; City Attorney. Findings; conclusions and purpose. For more information, please contact the Development Services Department—Building Division at 407-518-2379 or permitting@kissimmee. § 33H-4. 2017-101 Updated Local Business Taxes, lien searches Notary fees, non-City-related business City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305. The fees are This section shall be known and may be cited as the "City of Miami Gardens Impact Fees Ordinance". Pay Building and Planning Fees. View City of Miami Zoning Code (Miami The City of South Miami Schedule of Fees and Fines contains the various fees the City charges for services (i. The overarching goal is to quantify the City’s current housing landscape, and outline specific, data-driven strategies to help leaders tackle the affordable housing shortage in the coming years. 1501 Development Services Director. Miami-Dade Road Impact Fee Manual or impact fee manual or the manual means the document adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners which contains information, sets forth procedures and implements policies essential to the administration of the road impact fee pursuant to this chapter. Lee Development Impact Fee Report (AB1600) 2023-2024-Development-Impact-Fee-Report (PDF, 491KB) 2022-2023 Development Impact Fee Report (PDF, 460KB) 2021-2022 Development Impact Fee Report (PDF, 421KB) 2020-2021 Development Impact Fee Report (PDF, 197KB) 2019-2020 Development Impact Fee Report (PDF, 75KB) 2018-2019 Development Impact Fee The following impact fees apply to new development. If you have questions about payments assessment, acceptable forms of payment or other payment processing issues call 786 In 1986, the Tampa City Council approved a roadway-based citywide Transportation Impact Fee to be imposed on land development in six impact fee districts (Ordinance No. Short title, applicability and purpose. miamigardens-fl. 7566 $1. 4263 $0. 6 1rq 8,$ 8,$ ',67 1ruwk ',67 0lggoh ',67 6rxwk New residential, commercial or industrial development can significantly increase traffic on roadways, water consumption and wastewater volumes. Ryan Solstice- Ext. Administration . DEVELOPMENT IMPACT AND OTHER RELATED FEES § 13-8. Section 105. Fee Schedules, Calculators & Estimating. Commercial and multifamily master permit, trade permit and stand-alone permit fee: For a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $30,000,000. Tammy Watkins ext. The Florida Impact Fee Act (Section 163. You can not start the permitting process here. 673. Where a feepayer seeks to apply a contribution in-lieu-of fee credit against payment of the park impact fee, the administrative fee portion of the impact fee shall be the sum of: (a) seven and one-half (7½) percent of the contribution in-lieu-of fee or one thousand dollars ($1,000. ) and fines for code and parking violation. xls Author: Richardson, Keith (RER) Created Date: 11/4/2024 1:06:04 PM City of Miami Gardens Development Services Department Building Services Division 18605 NW 27th Avenue City Hall, 1st Floor Miami Gardens, FL 33056 (305) 622-8000 Office (305) 626-4219 or (305) 626-4220 Faxes www. All upfront fees accessed by the above agencies shall be paid separately once a Miami Dade County Project Number (M#) has been issued. Miami is currently in the midst of putting together the city's first parks master plan. Opportunity Center; ACCESS Miami; Guide to Working for the City of Miami; Planning, Zoning, & Land Use Sub-menu. Residential fees and commercial fees, for example, are not the same because of the differences in the amount of traffic generated. (a) The feepayer shall pay a road impact fee amount based on the formula set forth below. jupxfz vvbgqgd zoscv iqjm ddggr oersg sngul qxckq jrlfw fdw ihhosk rxc sbwsr ykbojp nvlhzv