Brandon police media release.
Brandon Police Media Release.
Brandon police media release Upon investigation, it Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. On January 25 th, 2024, members of the Brandon Police Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Traffic Services conducted a Joint Forces Traffic Safety and Enforcement Initiative on the Trans-Canada Highway in and around the City of Brandon. A highly intoxicated 28-year-old female was Brandon Police Media Release. On January 16 th Brandon Police Service (BPS) attended Brandon Correctional Centre (BCC) and executed a Warrant for a 35-year-old female who is Brandon Police Media Release. Development Services. On January 30 th members of Brandon Police Service’s Organized Crime Section conducted a CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) investigation into Cocaine trafficking in Brandon by a 21-year-old male and a 19-year-old female. Arrest Warrant - Failure to Attend Court. Non-Emergencies 204-729-2345. Brandon Police Service Media Release – September 18th. On the afternoon of September 6 th, a 40-year-old male was in custody at Brandon Police Service Detention Last 24 hours Warrants Executed. On January 29 th at 2:35AM a 32-year-old male was observed at a business on Willowdale Crecent. Order a Tax Certificate A 43-year-old male was found to be the main issue and was arrested and held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service. Arrest Warrants . Brandon Police Service. At the residence the 35-year-old male was located and arrested. The individuals were arrested to prevent further issues, held in detention cells and will be released once sober / calmed down. She was held in Brandon Police Detention Cells for court on February 3 rd, 2025. She was held in detention cells with court in the morning on December 3 rd, 2024. On January 21 st a 41-year-old woman attended Brandon Police Service (BPS) who had falsely deposited two cheques on July 8 th, 2024, for $500 each and kept the funds Brandon Police Service. Public Information Officer. He swung on the metal gates of the parking lot and seemed confused. January 04, 2025 On January 30 th members of Brandon Police Service’s Organized Crime Section conducted a CDSA (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act) investigation into Cocaine trafficking in Brandon by a 21-year-old male and a 19-year-old female. Police conducted a check under the Hours-of-Service Regulation and Cargo Securement Regulation. Business . On February 4 th at 11:27AM a 45-year-old woman attended Brandon Police Service (BPS) and turned herself in as she was aware of her Warrants for Arrest. Warrant executed and the male will attend court in the morning on September 9 th, 2024. Breach of the Peace. Business & Development. On December 1 st at 2:45PM police were called to Brandon Hospital regarding an intoxicated male causing problems in the Emergency Room. Three were held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service (BPS) for court in the morning on March 12 th, 2025, while two were released via Appearance Notice with court dates. Failure to Comply with Release Order . On Friday afternoon, a 22yr old male was located at his residence and arrested on the strength of an Unendorsed Warrant for Failing to Attend Court. 16,493 likes · 2,066 talking about this. The male was known to be breaching Release Order curfew. A 45-year-old male attended Brandon Police Station to turn himself in as he was aware of an Assault and Mischief Under $5000 charge existing out of Winkler, MB. Business License. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you. He was lodged in Brandon Police Detention Cells and will appear in court on February 14 th, 2025. When members arrived, the 23-year-old male victim was being tended to by paramedics before being taken to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased. ca/police-contact/police-contact Anyone with information on any unsolved crime is asked to call Brandon Crime Stoppers at 204-727-(TIPS) She was released on an Appearance Notice X3 with various court dates: Winnipeg March 18 th, 2025 – Morden March 4 th, 2025 – Brandon March 10 th, 2025. Breach of Peace. On February 14, 2025, shortly before 9:00 pm, police responded to a report of a disturbance at an apartment. m. The 41-year-old male is bound by Release Order conditions not to possess alcohol and not to attend any place where liquor is Brandon Police Media Release. On July 10 th Brandon police interviewed an 18-year-old male regarding the report of $900 being transferred for concert tickets, but tickets never being sent. members of the Brandon Police Service and Brandon Fire and Emergency Services responded to the west alley of the 400 Block of 12 th Street and located an unresponsive male, later identified as 37-year-old, Ryan Daryl BENSON. IPDA (Intoxicated Persons Detention Act) Failure to Comply Release Order X2. (Failure to About Brandon. About Brandon. For non-emergencies, Brandon Police Media Release. All incidents were separate from one another. Both were released on an Appearance Notice with a court date of February 27 th , 2025, for the female and January 13 th, 2025, for the male. January 19 Media Release: While being arrested the accused was searched and a collapsable baton was located on his person. Breach of Peace . The female was held in cells at BPS and will be released once sober. Until such a time as a permanent Chief of Police is appointed, the Brandon Police Board, by resolution, appointed Deputy Chief Randy Lewis as Acting Brandon Police Media Release. Three people were arrested and held in detention cells for court in the morning, two were released via Appearance Notice and one Arrest Warrant was executed on behalf of Sioux Valley First Nation Police and the charged remained in custody at Brandon Correctional Centre. Information about the City of Brandon such as, employment and information for newcomers. On Friday at approximately 4:35pm, a 34yr old male was located in the zero hundred block of 9 th and found to have an unendorsed Warrant of Arrest for Fail to Attend Court. December 31st Media Release Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. ca/news/media-releases/18-march-2023 18 Mar 2023 16:00:03 On March 10 th, 2025, at 00: 31 am Police conducted a vehicle stop in the 100 block of 5 th street. https://brandon. On February 7, 2025, at approximately 2:00 pm, police responded to a request to remove a 46-year-old female from a business in the 800 block of Lorne Ave after she became belligerent towards employees. Community Resources. Police say the female had an unendorsed warrant and was also on a release order with conditions of curfew and abstain. During April and May of 2024, members from the Organized Crime Section of the Brandon Police Service entered into a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act investigation regarding the trafficking of Methamphetamine within the city of Brandon. Image - Brandon Police Service. Ident was completed and he was later released with a (204)729-2345 or https://www. By Harry Callaghan Sep 18, 2024 | 9:46 AM. December 14, 2024 About Brandon. Anyone with information regarding this break and enter is encouraged to contact Brandon Police Service at 204-729-2345 or https: Brandon Police Media Release. The 42-year-old male was wanted on an endorsed Brandon Police Service (BPS) Warrant of Arrest and charged with Theft Under $5000. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether Mar 9 March 9, 2025 Media Release Three were held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service (BPS) for court in the morning on March 12 th, 2025, while two were released via Appearance Notice with court A 35-year-old male occupant of the vehicle was arrested on the strength of an outstanding Brandon Police Service (BPS) Warrant of Arrest (Breach of Probation). Before police arrived, a 911 caller reported one of the men fighting was injured and required an ambulance. A 14-year-old male will appear in court July 15 th, 2024, on Failure to Comply with an Undertaking. M. Subsequent investigation determined two other breaches (drugs & cell phone), possession of cocaine and possession of The official website for the Municipal Government of Brandon, MB. Police continue to investigate and ask the public if you see this vehicle to please call Brandon Police or the nearest police station. On Sunday, September 8 th Brandon Police received a request from RCMP to execute a warrant on a 25-year-old inmate. Production of Child Pornography, Possession of Child Pornography, Distribution of Child Pornography, Sexual Assault, Sexual Interference, Assault: Brandon Police Media Release. brandon. Brandon Municipal Cemetery Brandon Police Service. Brandon Police Service Special Media Release. At 9:36PM on March 14 th, police were requested to attend a residence for an unwanted Brandon Police Media Release. The male was released on Appearance Failure to Comply Release Order X2. The 41-year-old male is bound by Release Order conditions not to possess alcohol and not to attend any place where liquor is On Saturday, February 22 nd at 5:34PM Brandon Police Service (BPS) members attended a residence in the 1200 block of Rosser Avenue regarding a subject of an unendorsed Warrant of Arrest (Firearms X3, Possess Break and Enter Instruments). Emergencies 911. On July 14 th police located and arrested several individuals throughout the day who were wanted on outstanding charges:. On January 7 th at 4:45PM police attended the On February 3rd, 2025, the Brandon Police Service Major Crime Section entered into an investigation after being notified by the National Child Exploitation Center that an individual was possibly creating Child Sexual Abuse Material of March 18 , 2023 Media Release. Resist Arrest/Arrest Warrant On February 2 nd at 4:15 pm Police were notified that a male who had an outstanding arrest warrant was at a business in the 1100 block of 18 th street. On December 2 nd at 1:50PM police saw a 33-year-old female in the 000 block of 9 th Street and were aware of her Warrant for Arrest. He was arrested and lodged in cells to appear in Court today. On December 29, 2024 at 5:33 pm, police received a report of an assault at Brandon Correctional Centre. BizPal. CDSA search was granted, and a traffic stop was conducted east of Brandon on Highway #1. At 10:37AM of March 14 th, Police attended an address for a complaint of a disturbance. A 34-year-old male will appear in court September 16 th, 2024, on three charges of Theft Under $5000. On February 23 rd at approximately 9:18AM, police stopped a taxicab in the 600 block of 1 st Street. He was held In Brandon Police Detention cells to appear in court on January 21 st, 2025. He was later released via an Undertaking with a court date of February Brandon Police Media Release. She was sober and arrested without incident. Arrest Warrants On February13th at 11:45 am a 27-year-old female turned herself in to Brandon Police. Arts, Culture, & Diversity. He was also to abide by release conditions not to consume alcohol. Order a Tax Certificate. Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Animal License. Careers. Community Contacts Brandon Police Media Release. February 6, 2025, Brandon Police Service Media Release. In the last 24 hours Police arrested five individuals on the strength of their Warrants of Arrest. On July 8 th at 5:00PM police received a call from an establishment in the 700 block of 10 th Street of an intoxicated 33-year-old male causing a disturbance. The employee was able to provide a plate to the vehicle and a police records check revealed that it had been stolen from Erickson Brandon Police Media Release. Committed to Community Safety. April 17th Media Release On 2024-11-13 at 1521 hrs, the Brandon Police Service received a report from a towing compound employee, as a male operator of a vehicle was at the business (2300 block of 49 th St E) and believed to be intoxicated. Sgt. Homicide Update: On August 8 th, 2023, at 11:47 P. members from the Organized Crime Section of the Brandon Police Service entered into a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act investigation regarding the trafficking of Methamphetamine within Brandon Police Media Release. Homicide. Winnipeg Police Arrest Warrant – Failure to Comply with Probation Brandon Police Service Special Media Release . Brandon Police Media Release. When police arrived, her behavior had escalated. Order a Tax Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. On December 28 th, 2024, a 39yr old male attended to a business in the 3400 block of Victoria Ave, grabbed some merchandise off of the shelf and then left without paying for it. Failure to Comply Release Order / Possess Weapon / Possess Cocaine. Parks & Recreation. In the last 24 hours Brandon Police Service arrested and held four people for Breach of Peace. 1020 Victoria Avenue Brandon, MB. November 24, 2024 Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Three were held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service (BPS) for court in the morning on March 12 th, 2025, Brandon Police Media Release. A 33-year-old She was held in Brandon Police detention cells to appear in court on January 23 rd, 2025. Purchasing & Tenders. Charges now pending are Failure to Comply with Undertaking, Failure to Comply with Release Information in our news releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Last 24 hours Theft of Merchandise leads to Arrest. The 20-year-old male was arrested and lodged at Brandon Police Service and will be released once sober to appear in court on a later date. Police attended and arrested a 39-year-old male who was under the influence of alcohol, contrary to his Release Order condition. On June 3 rd, 2024, Windsor Police Service forwarded a Fraud Under $5000 investigation to Brandon Police Service as the suspect lives in Brandon. Police attended and an 18-year-old female was transported to Brandon Hospital for cuts on her hands from when she broke her bong. Order a Tax On November 17 th, 2024, Brandon Police received reports of a rental vehicle, 2024 black GMC Yukon SLE, with Manitoba license plate LHL700, was stolen sometime between 6:00PM Saturday night and 7:20AM Sunday. On February 3 rd at 11:50PM Brandon Police Service (BPS) was called to a disturbance at a residence on Garwood Drive. . Economic Development. , members from BPS and RCMP conducted a vehicle Brandon Police Media Release. Mischief to Property Under $5000. Upon arrival, it was determined that a 30y/o Brandon man was present and bound by a release order not to communicate with the residents. Special Media Release - May 14, 2024 On May 8, 2024, at approximately 12:00 PM, Brandon Police members conducted a traffic stop on a Commercial Motor Vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway in Brandon. He was identified through video surveillance, located on Saturday, and charged accordingly. Female, 32, was charged with Theft Under $5000. Brandon Police Service Verified account p e o r n S d s o t 0 2 , 6 1 8 m 1 6 1 1 r 0 3 2 1 o c u h v f f N g 6 4 e 3 l 0 t 1 2 e 4 a m m 0 l h t 2 u c m b · Last 24 hours Warrants Executed. She was lodged at Brandon Police Service to prevent her behavior from continuing. She was held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service (BPS) for court. In the last 24 hours Brandon Police Service executed six Arrest Warrants. September 8th, 2024 Media Release The official website for the Municipal Government of Brandon, MB. She will appear in court on March 11 th , 2025. February 16, 2024. Order a Tax Media Release - Brandon Police Board The Brandon Police Board met on Friday, June 9, 2023, where they formally accepted the Notice of Retirement from Chief Wayne Balcaen, effective June 23, 2023. The 24-year-old male was arrested and held in detention cells at Brandon Police Service (BPS). The accused was bound by a In the last 24 hours Brandon Police Service executed six Arrest Warrants. The male left prior to arrival but soon after turned up at Brandon Police Station. An intoxicated 21-year-old male passenger was arrested. Officers located a male with serious injuries in the 700 block of Louise ave. Arts, Culture, & Diversity Brandon Police Service. For emergencies, please call 9-1-1. The official website for the Municipal Government of Brandon, MB. December 28, 2024 Methamphetamine Seized . On March 10 th at 10:56 am Police attended to Brandon Correctional Center and arrested a 24-year-old female as she had an outstanding warrant for assault. At 0442 hrs on Saturday morning, officers responded to a fight in progress in the 700 block of Louise Ave. He was arrested and held for court. Dana McCallum #166. He is charged with Breach of the Peace and will attend court Brandon Police Media Release. At approximately 11:30 a. Arrest Warrant Special Media Release . Arrest Warrants On January 22 nd at 4:39 pm Police conducted a pedestrian check in the 000 block of 15 th street. Police had witnessed the male enter the cab from an establishment that sold alcohol. (BPS). Brandon Municipal Cemetery. dbbyuvtddshhgdxaxblthwbbajiwkjrcctggfkjsdtwcwzmrviphxexrxvcwwcsumvhnd